Thousands flee Sri Lanka clashes

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Civilians are continuing to flee areas of eastern Sri Lanka amid fighting between the Tamil Tigers and government forces.

According to the army, nearly 10,000 arrived in government-controlled areas of Batticaloa district on Saturday.

More than 40,000 have abandoned their homes in recent days, fearing their villages are becoming the battleground for the military and the rebels.

Meanwhile, five soldiers were wounded in a confrontation with rebels.

Overnight clash

After a lull that lasted for weeks, fighting has been escalating in the east of Sri Lanka.

There have been exchanges of artillery fire and the military says it has overrun a number of Tiger camps.

Civilians are continuing to arrive at refugee camps in government-controlled areas of Batticaloa district.

On Saturday, the army said nearly 10,000 fled Tiger-held territory.

Overnight, there was a confrontation when a group of rebels crossed into government-held territory.

Five soldiers were wounded and the army claims the Tigers suffered heavy casualties.

The rebels, who have fought for decades for an independent homeland for the Tamils in the north and east of Sri Lanka, have not commented on the reports.

After driving the Tigers from areas along the coast in months of battles, the government now seems to be moving to take the remaining pockets of the eastern province they still hold.

The rebels have said the government is trying to push them into a full-scale war and they have warned the conflict could engulf the entire island.