Papers criticise troop treatment

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The treatment of British troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan is criticised on many front pages.

The Observer says letters from soldiers' families reveal a shocking picture of neglect and appalling treatment by the NHS.

In an open letter, the Independent on Sunday accuses Tony Blair of neglecting the armed services.

And the Sunday Times reveals that veterans suffering trauma are being told to wait 18 months for treatment.

Green taxes

The Conservative Party's new proposals for taxing air travel to tackle climate change are also featured.

The Sunday Telegraph calls the plans "harsh" and urges the Tories to follow logic instead of political fads.

The News of the World dismisses the proposals as "plane greedy" while the Mail on Sunday says they could double the £2bn revenue from air passenger duty.

The Sunday Mirror says the Tories have "wooed" Britain's green vote to claim an 11-point lead over Labour.

Carbon footprint

Other environmental issues also concern the papers.

The Sunday Times reveals that an empty aircraft flies between London and Cardiff six times a week so British Mediterranean Airways does not lose a Heathrow runway slot.

The News of the World takes the Duchess of Cornwall to task for having a pair of shoes flown 3,000 miles to Kuwait after she had left them behind.

And the Independent on Sunday criticises Liz Hurley for flying wedding guests to India by private jet.

Injunction defended

The cash-for-honours investigation continues to hit the headlines.

The Sunday Times quotes an unnamed Downing Street insider saying: "It would be surprising if there were not prosecutions."

And in the Sunday Telegraph the Attorney General defends seeking injunctions to stop the BBC and the Guardian running stories about the inquiry.

Lord Goldsmith says he is guided by the principle that the law must always come before party loyalties.