Top drinks firms eyeing Absolut

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Absolut vodka's maker is being eyed by three of the world's top spirit makers, the Swedish government says.

France's Pernod Ricard, US group Fortune and Bermuda-based Bacardi have expressed an interest in state-owned Vin & Sprit (V&S), a spokesman said.

In state hands for 90 years, V&S is reportedly worth $5.7bn (£2.97bn).

The group is one of several firms being sold off as part of a huge Swedish privatisation push which the government hopes will raise $21.22bn.

The money will be put towards reducing the country's debts over the next three years.

Sales drive

Sweden's government is currently awaiting a parliamentary mandate to sell the drinks firm.

It already has permission to sell off state-owned shares in Nordea Bank, market operator OMX and telecoms firm TeliaSonera.

"Pernod and Bacardi have come in with letters expressing their interest in Vin & Sprit, and in addition Fortune Brands have orally expressed interest," said Mia Widell, press secretary for Financial Markets Minister Mats Odell.

According to reports a number of private equity groups are also considering whether to table a bid.

With a turnover of about 1bn euros ($1.3bn; £680m), V&S employs 2,500 people in 10 countries and is the world's third-biggest-selling vodka brand.