BA pilot wins cut in hours battle

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A British Airways pilot has won her three-year battle to work part-time so she could look after her young child.

Jessica Starmer, from Wareham in Dorset, wanted work 50% part-time so she could look after her young daughter Beth, but the airline had refused.

In 2005, she won an employment tribunal claim of indirect sex discrimination.

On Friday, BA said it had decided not to take the case to the Court of Appeal and would allow Mrs Starmer to reduce her hours to half.

BA said in a joint statement with Mrs Starmer's union, the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA): "It is now three years since Mrs Starmer first asked to reduce her working hours to 50%.

Unless airlines start to show flexibility they will struggle to recruit Jim McAuslan, BALPA

"Since that time, Mrs Starmer has been working at 75% and British Airways recognises the high standards that she has been able to maintain.

"Her flying experience has now reached a level which, together with other measures agreed with British Airways, satisfies its safety concerns and meets its high level of operating standards.

"British Airways intends that pilots in similar circumstances to Mrs Starmer will be eligible for 50% contracts subject to the same measures in the future."

BA had claimed safety grounds, not gender, for arguing that pilots must first complete 2,000 flying hours before being considered for a shorter contract.

'Highly skilled'

But BA failed in a tribunal appeal against the 27-year-old, whose husband is also a pilot.

Jim McAuslan, general secretary of BALPA, said: "This is only one step in Balpa's effort to get the industry to be more flexible in accommodating individuals who want lifestyle choice.

"Pilots are in a highly skilled profession, in short supply, and unless airlines start to show flexibility, they will struggle to recruit among this talented pool."

BA said it would make a donation to a charity of Mrs Starmer's choosing and contribute towards her costs in the case.