Charges 'due' in 1987 murder case

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The murder of a private detective axed to death in a south London car park 20 years ago could soon be solved, Scotland Yard has said.

Detectives investigating the murder of Daniel Morgan, 37, in 1987 say charges may soon be brought over the killing.

Mr Morgan, originally from south Wales, was found in a pub car park in Sydenham with an axe in his head.

Relatives said he was killed by a hitman after finding evidence of possible police corruption.

His family said he was about to expose a south London drugs network involving corrupt police officers when he was killed.

The identity of those responsible is one of the worst kept secrets but there has been a reluctance to reveal the details to police Ch Supt Dave Cook

That allegation was never substantiated by the former Police Complaints Authority and a series of investigations failed to lead to any prosecutions.

But a two-year reinvestigation by Scotland Yard - launched following pressure from the Metropolitan Police Authority - is reaching its closing stages and a decision on charges will be made very soon, detectives said.

"We have had some significant witnesses come forward", said Detective Ch Supt Dave Cook.

"They have identified the people who we believe are responsible for this murder.

"I know that within south London, the identity of those responsible is one of the worst kept secrets but there has been a reluctance to reveal the details to police."

Mr Cook said he believed Mr Morgan was killed because he was about to expose serious criminality, potentially linked to corruption.

There is a £50,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.

Mr Morgan's family, from Hay-on-Wye, Powys, will tomorrow mark the 20th anniversary of his death by laying flowers on the spot where he was killed.

Mr Morgan was originally from the village of Llanfrechfa, Monmouthshire.