MSPs dismiss park boundary bill

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A plan to extend the Cairngorm National Park into Perthshire has failed at its first parliamentary hurdle.

MSPs on Holyrood's environment committee voted by five to four against the proposal to extend the southern boundary of the park.

John Swinney MSP, who lodged the bill, said the park's current area sliced several important mountains in two.

However, the committee has recommended that the boundary be reconsidered as part of a wider review due in 2008.

SNP backbencher Mr Swinney, the MSP for Tayside North, argued that an important area of the Highland and Eastern Perthshire had been excluded from the park in the final decision made four years ago.

We have a lot of sympathy with the aim of including highland and eastern Perthshire in the Cairngorms National Park Maureen MacmillanCommittee convener

The committee agreed that a strong case had been made for expanding the national park.

At a hearing in Blair Atholl, they had heard that local tourist businesses were concerned about being overshadowed by those inside the national park.

However, the MSPs argued that the timing was wrong and the boundary review should wait.

Committee convener Maureen Macmillan said: "We have a lot of sympathy with the aim of including Highland and Eastern Perthshire in the Cairngorms National Park.

"Whether the bill is the right way to achieve this is hotly disputed and the arguments are finely balanced."

During the committee's consideration of the bill, the executive had stated it would oppose the proposal to extend the boundaries.

The bill is to be debated by parliament before the May elections.