UK soldier dies from Iraq wounds

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A British soldier has died in the UK after being critically injured on patrol in Iraq last week.

He has been named by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) as Pte Jonathon Wysoczan from 4 Platoon, B Company, First Battalion, The Staffordshire Regiment.

Pte Wysoczan, 21, from Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent, was wounded after being hit by a single round in south Basra.

His death takes the number of British troops killed in operations in Iraq to 134 during the current campaign.

'Winning respect'

Pte Wysoczan was injured while protecting troops around him on "top cover" on a vehicle which was investigating a possible mortar firing point.

After being injured, he was taken straight back to base and then by helicopter to a specialist medical facility before coming back to the UK, but he died on Sunday.

Pte Wysoczan joined the Army in April last year and was deployed to Iraq on Boxing Day.

His company commander Major Dominic Rutherford said: "He arrived like an extra Christmas present on Boxing Day. He quickly fitted into the company, winning everyone's respect."

'Courageous soldier'

He added: "He was a very confident soldier, indeed the very first time I met him he jumped in before I could call him by his name and told me how to pronounce it or to call him A-Z as it was easier."

Defence Secretary Des Browne said: "Those who served with him praised Pte Wysoczan as a talented and courageous soldier. I know that he will be sorely missed."

The confirmation of Pte Wysoczan's death came on the same day that the MoD named two soldiers killed in Afghanistan on Saturday as Lance Bombardiers Ross Clark and Liam "Paddy" McLaughlin, who was from Lancashire, both from 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery.