DUP must accept result: Sinn Fein


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Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has said the DUP demanded the assembly election so must accept its outcome.

Launching the party's election manifesto, Mr Adams made 10 commitments to the voters.

They included a call for the Stormont assembly to be given power to vary taxes.

Sinn Fein's manifesto commits the party to work towards restoring the assembly, an executive and an all-Ireland ministerial council with full powers.

Questioned about whether an executive dominated by the DUP and Sinn Fein could work, Mr Adams said he wasn't going to answer for the DUP. But he said Ian Paisley should accept the outcome of an election which his party wanted.

"On the doorsteps there is a clear demand that locally elected politicians face up to our responsibilities. That is also the Sinn Fein position.

"People of all political persuasions want to see the British direct rule ministers sent home.

"There is no reason why this should not happen by 26 March," he said.

Sinn Fein's manifesto calls for a £10bn peace dividend.

The party wants any new assembly to be given new powers to vary local taxes.

Sinn Fein say they are opposed to water charges wand want more debate about water reform.

Gerry Adams says DUP must accept election outcome

Questioned about opposition from republicans angered by Sinn Fein's policy switch on policing, Mr Adams said the vast majority supported the party's position.

The 10 commitments Sinn Fein makes in its manifesto are:

<li> To restore political institutions; full delivery on Good Friday Agreement; expand all-Ireland agenda; increase all-Ireland implementation bodies; island-wide referendum on Irish unity

<li> Demand a £10bn 10-year peace dividend; tax varying powers for assembly; executive borrowing facility; oppose water charges and privatisation; increase financial support for indigenous small and medium businesses and social economy projects

<li> Promote equal rights for all; time-framed strategy to eliminate child poverty; commissioner for older people

<li> Rural regeneration strategy; remove 'UK' status from food exports; Ireland GM free; Reject PPS 14 and reform planning to allow rural people to live within own community; End cutbacks in provision of public services to rural communities

<li> Remove barriers to GP access in rural areas and expand all-Ireland GP out-of-hours service; reduce waiting lists, managed through basis of clinical need alone; oppose privatisation of services and staff; fully implement regional suicide strategy

<li> End academic selection - replace with parental choice and pupil profiles to transfer to all ability post primary education; extra money to schools where measured social and educational need high

<li> Tackle social housing crisis and waiting lists through annual target of 5,000 new builds per year - target 70,000 new homes for social housing by 2025; compulsory purchase of vacant properties; legislation to ensure that 30% of private development social or affordable

<li> All-Ireland environmental protection agency; ban on municipal incinerators; introduce plastic bag levy

<li> Civic policing; transfer of powers; truth and victims; dismantle structures of collusion; end use of plastic bullets; enhance community safety measures

<li> Opposition to the war in Iraq; support for peace processes in the Middle East and Basque Country; support for debt cancellation and fair trade