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UK troops remain focus of media UK troops remain focus of media
(about 2 hours later)
Many papers continue to make the deaths of 14 British troops in Afghanistan the focus of their attention.Many papers continue to make the deaths of 14 British troops in Afghanistan the focus of their attention.
Under the headline, "Nimrod crew fought valiantly to save plane", the Scotsman has a photo of two grieving women being comforted at RAF Kinloss. Under the headline "Nimrod crew fought valiantly to save plane", the Scotsman has a photo of two grieving women being comforted at RAF Kinloss.
It talks of Kinloss, in Moray, as "a community cut to its core".It talks of Kinloss, in Moray, as "a community cut to its core".
Reporter Frank Urquhart describes how fourteen sunflowers lay wilting in the sunshine at the gates of the base which is in its "darkest hour". Reporter Frank Urquhart describes how 14 sunflowers lay wilting in the sunshine at the gates of the base which is in its "darkest hour".
11 Sept
On the Afghan crash the Daily Mail carries pictures of 10 of the dead service personnel.On the Afghan crash the Daily Mail carries pictures of 10 of the dead service personnel.
The Daily Telegraph reports that the aircraft was worth £90m, and has been an "unseen" but "immensely valuable asset" in Iraq and Afghanistan.The Daily Telegraph reports that the aircraft was worth £90m, and has been an "unseen" but "immensely valuable asset" in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Mail says the crash highlights concerns "over the poor standards of British military equipment", quoting the RAF describing the plane as "old".The Mail says the crash highlights concerns "over the poor standards of British military equipment", quoting the RAF describing the plane as "old".
The Guardian says the fleet was due to be replaced more than five years ago.The Guardian says the fleet was due to be replaced more than five years ago.
The Independent lists 14 countries it believes have been transformed by US and British foreign policy since 2001.The Independent lists 14 countries it believes have been transformed by US and British foreign policy since 2001.
It says since the 9/11 attacks no one has died in the US from terrorism. Elsewhere in the world, more than 72,000 - mostly Iraqi civilians - have died.It says since the 9/11 attacks no one has died in the US from terrorism. Elsewhere in the world, more than 72,000 - mostly Iraqi civilians - have died.
The Times reports on research claiming 800 lives could be saved a year by a vaccine used primarily against the two most common forms of cervical cancer.The Times reports on research claiming 800 lives could be saved a year by a vaccine used primarily against the two most common forms of cervical cancer.
Vaccinating all 12-year-old girls would help cut deaths, it says.Vaccinating all 12-year-old girls would help cut deaths, it says.
The Mail and Telegraph pick through the revelation that MI5 was convinced Britain had its own aristocratic Mata Hari during WWII.The Mail and Telegraph pick through the revelation that MI5 was convinced Britain had its own aristocratic Mata Hari during WWII.
Files just released show how MI5 tried to keep Lady Howard Effingham in prison for using "her powers of seduction" to extract war secrets for the Nazis.Files just released show how MI5 tried to keep Lady Howard Effingham in prison for using "her powers of seduction" to extract war secrets for the Nazis.
A lack of evidence meant she was freed after five months in 1941.A lack of evidence meant she was freed after five months in 1941.
But the Mail says MI5 believed she read her secret dossiers while having her hair done at a top stylist in Mayfair.But the Mail says MI5 believed she read her secret dossiers while having her hair done at a top stylist in Mayfair.