Phone drive penalties considered

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Beware if you use a mobile phone while driving.

It is not only the police who might be watching - but, it seems, an army of newspaper photographers.

The Daily Mirror is among several papers to show close-ups of drivers on mobile phones flouting the law despite the introduction of tougher penalties.

So is the Sun, though some drivers have got the message, it says.

It reports that one high-street retailer yesterday sold a hands-free kit every minute of the day.

The Daily Telegraph says John Prescott is backing a Westminster campaign to rethink the decision to site the UK's first supercasino in Manchester.

Ministers, including Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, are said to have been "stunned" by the decision to recommend the Manchester bid.

A Commons motion calling for a switch to Blackpool has apparently gained more than 100 signatures.

The paper says the Cabinet now faces a dilemma over whether to press ahead.

The Times tells of "the boy who came back to life" - a two-week-old baby who coughed 30 minutes after he was pronounced dead from a heart attack.

Staff at Leeds General Infirmary grabbed the infant from the arms of his grieving parents, Jon and Karen Lander, and resumed efforts to revive him.

It worked, and the Landers have been told the boy can expect a full and active life.

The paper says the case amazed doctors as much as it bewildered the parents.

Page three of the Guardian is given over to an "inconvenient truth" for Al Gore, who won an Oscar for his documentary on global warming.

A think-tank has obtained details of his energy consumption and found the green campaigner's own household energy use is 20 times the national average.

In an editorial, the Daily Telegraph calls the revelation "blissful".

The paper says that apart from running his own CO2 factory, Mr Gore has a predilection for private jets.