BBC job cut strike is called off

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A one-day strike by BBC News staff protesting at compulsory redundancies has been suspended after negotiations.

Union members were due to walk out on Monday, but broadcasting unions have issued a statement saying they have made progress in talks with management.

It said the number of redundancies had been reduced and more time had been agreed for further negotiations.

The BBC has shed more than 4,000 posts in recent years as part of a drive for increased efficiency.

The unions said they would consider further industrial action if compulsory redundancies became an issue again but admitted management had worked hard to reduce job losses.

'Further challenges'

A BBC statement said: "We are pleased that the planned strike action next week has been suspended.

"The BBC is still committed to trying to avoid compulsory redundancies wherever possible.

"The BBC is only part way through its change programme and recognises there will be further challenges ahead but we will continue to work with the unions to try to mitigate the impact on our staff."

A separate dispute between the Bectu union and BBC News management has been referred to arbitration and strike action, due for later the same week, has also been called off.