Order on terror suspect quashed


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A judge has quashed a control order on a terrorist suspect on the grounds that he has been deprived of his liberty.

The suspect - known only as "E" - was required to stay at an address between the hours of 0700 and 1900.

He was not allowed to see unauthorised visitors at the address, have a mobile phone or use the internet.

Mr Justice Beatson said he would have taken the step anyway because of a failure to prosecute E in light of judgements from a Belgian court.

Home Secretary John Reid is to appeal against the judgement, which was delivered at Manchester Crown Court.

'Weaker' order

Mr Reid said that while the appeal was being carried out a new order had been put in place that was less restrictive.

"Naturally I'm disappointed with the court decision," he said in a statement.

"To protect the public, I have today made a new control order.

"However, inevitably this is weaker than the original one, which means there is an increased risk of the individual absconding and it is more difficult for the police to supervise him.

"I regret this and have today authorised an appeal against the judgement."

A total of 18 control orders are currently in force. Two suspects subject to the control orders - a British citizen and an Iraqi - are currently missing.

A third suspect - a male British national - absconded before a new control order could be served in January.

The orders were brought in for cases where there was not enough evidence to bring suspects to trial.