US offers $5m to catch militants

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The US has offered a reward of $5m (£2.6m) each for the capture of two militants accused of attacks against Israeli and American civilians.

Mohammed Ali Hamadei, allegedly a member of Hezbollah, is accused of murder and involvement in hijacking.

Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah is the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, blamed for bombings in Israel.

The money has been offered under the Rewards for Justice program which was set up in 1984 to help trace suspects.

Mr Hamadei is accused of involvement in the hijacking of TWA flight 847 in 1985 and the murder of Navy diver Robert Stetham.

He was tried and convicted for the murder in West Germany in 1987 but was paroled in December 2005 and returned to Lebanon.

Mr Shallah, who is based in Syria, was indicted on 53 charges by a US court in 2003.