NY seeks ban on iPod shuffle


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Using your iPod while crossing the road may soon be illegal in New York.

NY State Senator Carl Kruger wants to slap a $100 (£51) fine on pedestrians using MP3 players, mobile phones or Blackberries while crossing the road.

Two of his Brooklyn constituents had been killed after walking into traffic while listening to MP3 players in the last few months, Mr Kruger said.

In one case bystanders screamed "watch out", Mr Kruger said, but the victim did not hear their warnings.

The Democratic senator, who was set to introduce the law this week, criticised what he called the scourge of "iPod oblivion" in the Big Apple.

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The senator said forcing pedestrians to face court and pay the fine would make them realise the "potentially deadly dangers that lurk outside the 'deceptive serenity' of your iPod".

Tuning in and tuning out can be a fatal combination on the streets of New York Carl KrugerNew York State Senator

"When they're tuning into their iPod or Blackberry or cell phone or video game, they're walking into speeding buses and moving automobiles," he said. "It's becoming a nationwide problem."

Mr Kruger says it was impossible for people to be aware of their surroundings when distracted by gadgets.

"Tuning in and tuning out can be a fatal combination on the streets of New York," he said.

The senator, who prides himself on his tough-on-crime policies, told Reuters news agency it was the government's responsibility to protect its citizens from a major "public safety crisis".