Bush calls for US debate on Iraq


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US President George W Bush had told his Democratic opponents that he welcomes debate on the Iraq war.

"We share a common goal and it is to keep America safe," he said in a conciliatory speech to Democrats from the House of Representatives.

The Democrats, who hold both houses of Congress following November's mid-term elections, oppose President Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq.

Mr Bush said the disagreements did not mean he questioned their patriotism.

"There's no doubt in my mind that you want to secure this homeland as much as I do," he told a gathering of House Democrats in Williamsburg, Virginia.

We do agree about our country - we do agree to work together George W Bush

President Bush said: "I welcome debate in a time of war and I hope you know that."

He added: "We don't always agree. That's why we're in different parties.

"But we do agree about our country. We do agree to work together."

He said the White House and the Democrats agreed on a number of issues, including the need for the Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki to "show strong leadership".

The Democrats are considering their response to Mr Bush's plan to add 21,500 troops to the 132,000 who are already in Iraq.

A non-binding resolution against the move is being considered by Congress.

Some opponents of the war have called for legislation blocking funds for the new deployments, or the whole war effort.