Sacked 7 July victim settles case

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A victim of the 7 July London bombings who was fired for taking sick leave has settled her unfair dismissal case out of court.

Nattashar Gittens, 30, who worked as a receptionist for James Harvard International, was walking near the bus that was blown up in Tavistock Square.

She claims she was sacked for poor performance several months after returning to work.

The company said it could not discuss the terms of the settlement.

Ms Gittens has had back and pelvic injuries, hearing problems, insomnia and bouts of depression since being caught up in the blast.

Notice period

After the attacks, she took two months off and returned to work in September. But she was sacked after taking two days off because of the death of a friend's mother the following April.

James Harvard International said it fired Ms Gittens, originally from Sheffield, a week before the date when she would have been with the company for a year, and claimed she was therefore denied legal protection.

I'm just so pleased that this is over and I'm looking forward to getting on with my life Nattashar Gittens

But last November, the London Central Employment Tribunal decided she had worked the full 12 months needed to bring a claim against the company.

The tribunal also agreed that Ms Gittens had not been given the proper notice period when she was dismissed.

After the settlement, Ms Gittens said: "I'm just so pleased that this is over and I'm looking forward to getting on with my life.

"I'm very happy in my new job. It's a positive environment."

Her lawyer Alec Colson said Ms Gittens was not allowed to make any comment on the financial level of the settlement but was satisfied with the amount.

A spokesman for James Harvard International said the firm could not legally comment on the terms of the settlement.