Swine flu dominates front pages


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Latest predictions about the number of swine flu cases in the UK provide the main theme for the British newspapers.

The figure of 65,000 possible deaths comes up most often but as <a class="inlineText" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jul/16/swine-flu-pandemic-warning-helpline">The Guardian is quick to point out this is 'a worst case scenario'.</a>

Meanwhile, the <a class="inlineText" href="http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/114437">Daily Express has a different numerical take, </a> reporting that officials believe 350 people could die every day.

The paper goes on to describe this as a 'grim prediction'.

Reputation 'tarnished'

The Daily Telegraph claims Labour will tarnish General Sir Richard Dannatt's reputation when he steps down from his post as Chief of the General Staff.

This is because Sir Richard is thought to be planning a book which, it suggests, could "harm" the government over the situation in Afghanistan.

<a class="inlineText" href="http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2538743/Hero-Rupert-Thorneloe-is-dubbed-Best-of-the-best-at-funeral.html">The Sun reports on the funeral of Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe,</a> who was killed in Afghanistan.

It hails him as the 'best of the best' while <a class="inlineText" href="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/07/03/a-great-leader-he-d-be-up-with-the-lads-115875-21490742/">the Mirror praises him as well.</a>

Human rights

<a class="inlineText" href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/mourners-ask-who-will-answer-for-this-who-will-be-next-1750089.html">A funeral is also the main focus for the Independent</a> - this time in Chechnya.

It is that of the prominent human rights activist Natalia Estemirova, who was abducted from her home in Grozny before being shot.

<a class="inlineText" href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/">The Times has a series of newly enhanced shots</a> marking the 40th anniversary of the moon landing.

On its front-page, there is an evocative picture of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planting the Stars and Stripes in the Sea of Tranquillity.

'Holy grail'

<a class="inlineText" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/jul/16/low-calorie-no-melt-chocolate">The Guardian is excited at the prospect of the discovery in Switzerland</a> of 'the holy grail of chocolate'.

Codenamed Vulcano it has the twin benefits of not melting in the hand and being remarkably low in calories.

Scientists are believed to have discovered the recipe by mistake when researching another brand.

Meanwhile, a picture of England manager Fabio Capello relaxing on holiday prompts <a class="inlineText" href="http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2540136/England-boss-Fabio-Capello-camps-it-up.html">the Sun to compare him to Sacha Baron Cohen's latest movie creation - Bruno.</a>