Top award for all mod cons shed Version 0 of 1. An artist who built a fully furnished cabin at the bottom of his garden has won the Shed of the Year award. Steven Harwood took the title for his "kite cabin" where he can watch the birds in Llandysul, near Carmarthen. The 41-year-old took three months and spend just £1,500 creating the hideaway that comes equipped with satellite TV, video, two beds and a compost toilet. He has won a year's supply of cheese, a £50 garden centre voucher, a cushion and a wind-up radio. The building gets its name from the view it presents of kites which wheel in the sky above while looking for prey in an adjacent field. It also has a log burner and insulated walls to ensure guests will not feel the chill in the winter months. The shed is equipped with beds and televisions The father-of-two, who runs an online cabinet-making business, said: "I'm very, very chuffed and happy about it. "I'm still taking it in. I really didn't expect to win." He added: "I entered Shed of the Year because I feel I have a very special shed in a very special place. "The location is unbeatable, in my opinion, with amazing panoramic views. "It is surrounded by nature, including kites, badgers and various birds. "It is such a usable space and is not pre-ordered like so many sheds these days. "I hope that my cabin will be an inspiration for others and what can be done in an otherwise dead space. "It probably took me about two weeks of man hours to make but I did it over three months. "It was all in my head and I just went with what was in my head. "I never drew it out - my brain tends to hold information about dimensions. "I'm an artist so I suppose I'm quite creative and once I get an idea in my head it stays there." TV property developer Sarah Beeny, who was one of the judges in the competition, described the kite cabin as "perfect". |