Stray dog dies at police station

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An investigation has been launched after a greyhound died when police in Midlothian put the animal in a kennel and then forgot about it for 10 days.

The stray was picked up and taken to Dalkeith Police Station on 2 January.

The greyhound was placed in a holding kennel but it is thought the officer at the front desk who logged its details failed to pass on the information.

Officers were aware something was wrong when they noticed an unpleasant smell in the station courtyard on 12 January.

Lothian and Borders Police said an investigation had been launched into the "tragic" human error, which could result in disciplinary action.

We want to stress we are treating this matter very seriously Lothian and Borders Police spokesman

A spokesman said: "This is a tragic situation and we express our sympathy.

"We want to stress we are treating this matter very seriously.

"We are appointing a senior officer to investigate all the circumstances under internal conduct procedures.

"We also reported the matter to the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) and they've allocated a senior officer to carry out a separate independent inquiry.

SSPCA not told

"We would not want at this stage to pre-judge either inquiry but we are determined that they will be thorough and look at every stage of the process from the moment the dog first came to our attention."

It is thought that the officer who took note of the dog's arrival was not normally based at the station and did not notify the SSPCA.

The Greyhound Awareness League said the racing dogs rarely barked and the animal would have died in silent agony.

An SSPCA spokeswoman said: "We are aware of this situation and have offered our assistance to police in their investigation."