Pants obsessed dog gets surgery

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A Nottingham man says his pet dog's penchant for ladies' underwear left the animal needing emergency surgery.

Cliff Hall of Stapleford said his pedigree Bull Mastiff Deefer has eaten around 10 pairs of knickers in the past 12 months.

But the latest two pairs, belonging to Mr Hall's daughter Stacey, 15, became lodged in the dog's small intestine.

The dog could not drink, eat or move properly and a vet had to remove the blockage at a cost of more than £1,000.

Bathroom floor

Mr Hall, said: "He's had a bit of a penchant for them in the past, this isn't the first time he's eaten a pair.

"If people have left them on the bathroom floor when they have had a bath he will typically wander in afterwards and steal them.

"Normally they go straight through him but on this occasion it agitated his intestine and left him in a bit of a state."

He said that the dog's strange habits had prompted the family to take out pet insurance, which covered the cost of the operation.

The dog had to stay at the vets for several days but has now been given a full bill of health.

Mr Hall added: "We've got a new house rule that underwear goes into the washing machine where Deefer can't get at it."