7 questions on GCSE physical education


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It's exam season. In a spirit of solidarity with frazzled school children, the Magazine is inviting readers to see how they would fare in a series of curriculum tests. Questions are of a GCSE standard and supplied by BBC Bitesize. This week it's physical education. Turn over your papers now.

1.) Multiple Choice Question

Reaction time takes place between stimulus and...

<ol><li>movement</li><li>making a decision</li><li>understanding</li></ol>

2.) Multiple Choice Question

Chest muscles used in the tennis forehand are the...

<ol><li>trapezius</li><li>pectorals</li><li>latissimus dorsi</li></ol>


Here, defending Wimbledon champion Rafael Nadal changes his shirt courtside, showing his pecs.Click NEXT to continue.

3.) Multiple Choice Question

In aerobic training, muscles have...

<ol><li>too much oxygen</li><li>insufficient oxygen</li><li>sufficient oxygen</li></ol>

4.) Multiple Choice Question

The percentage of oxygen in exhaled air is about...


5.) Multiple Choice Question

The maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting age from...


6.) Multiple Choice Question

The floating bone at the knee is called the...


7.) Multiple Choice Question

Mesomorphs - a type of body shape - are more likely to be suited to...

<ol><li>sprinting</li><li>long-distance running</li><li>weight training</li></ol>


<ol><li>It's movement. Young adults usually have the quickest reactions, which slow as people get older. It can be improved through practice, which is what top sprinters attempt to do in training.</li><li>Pectorals - the fan-like muscles behind the breasts of men and women - are used in forehand shots. Also known as "pecs", particularly among gym enthusiasts.</li><li>It's sufficient oxygen. Aerobic means "with oxygen" and such exercise could include running or playing tennis. It's usually at a moderate level over an extended period, whereas anaerobic exercise like weight training is performed in short bursts.</li><li>Exhaled air is 16% oxygen, 4% carbon dioxide - a waste product of the body turning oxygen into energy - and the rest is nitrogen. By comparison, the air we breathe in is 21% oxygen, and 0.04% CO2.</li><li>It's 220. The formula was devised in 1970 by Dr William Haskell and Dr Samuel Fox.</li><li>It's the patella, commonly known as the kneecap. The femur is the long thigh bone. There is no bone named the patona.</li><li>It's sprinting. Mesomorphs have wedge-shaped bodies and excel in sports that require power and speed. Ectomorphs are long and lean, and do well in endurance sports like long-distance running.</li></ol>

Your Score

0 - 3 : Forgotten kit

4 - 6 : Respectable mid-table result

7 - 7 : PE teacher's pet

For a complete archive of past quizzes, including the Curriculum tests and our weekly news quiz 7 days 7 questions, visit the <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/magazine" >Magazine index</a> and scroll down the page.

Questions supplied by <a class="inlineText" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/">BBC Bitesize</a>