Big Brother dominates the papers

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After allegations of racism, Celebrity Big Brother dominates most front pages with the eviction of Jade Goody.

The Daily Express calls Ms Goody's Friday night eviction a victory for decency and tolerance.

The Independent says the row reflects badly on Channel Four which it says was set up to serve minority audiences.

A survey commissioned by the Guardian found that more than half the 500 people questioned thought Channel Four engineered clashes in the house.


Most of the papers give significant space to the arrest of Downing Street aide Ruth Turner as part of the cash-for-honours investigation.

The Daily Telegraph's front page says the arrest has caused open warfare between Number Ten and Scotland Yard.

In a profile the Times says Ms Turner has a formidable ability to persuade people to do her bidding.

The Guardian quotes a past interview in which she says she had not intended to join Labour as a student.

'Arms race'

The papers give different interpretations of China's motives for destroying one of its own satellites with a medium range missile.

The Times says the show of strength was intended to force the United States into abolishing weapons in space.

In contrast the Telegraph says there could now be a new arms race miles above us.

An analysis piece in the Guardian says China has shown it can destroy America's satellite technology.

'Contract loss'

The Daily Mail has brought together the two subjects in the 1980s Athena poster called "L'Enfant" or "Man and Baby".

Model Adam Perry, now a property developer in south London, said he was paid just £150 for the shoot, despite the poster making millions.

The Financial Times leads with a story that Airbus UK is in danger of losing a contract potentially worth £100m.

The paper says construction of the A350's wings could move from Filton, near Bristol, to Germany or Spain.