Israelis targeted on Facebook says Shin Bet

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Israeli officials are warning their citizens to beware attempts by Arab enemies to harm or recruit them as spies via social networking websites.

The Shin Bet security agency says there have been numerous recent incidents where militants have tried to lure Israelis on sites, including Facebook.

It said an Israeli Facebook user was approached by a purported Lebanese agent offering money for information.

The agency said Israelis should not divulge sensitive details online.

"There is not just a risk of the leaking of information, but fear for the lives of Israelis who might be tempted to meetings abroad for money - which might lead to kidnappings by terror organisations," the agency warned.

Shin Bet said that, in the case of the purported Lebanese agent, the Israeli user informed security services and severed contact with the man.

The agency said militants were tracking websites and forums visited by Israeli soldiers to try to gather information on security apparatuses and military bases, the Jerusalem Post website reported.

Eight years ago, a 16-year-old Israeli was murdered by Palestinian militants after being lured into meeting a 25-year-old Palestinian woman in an internet chatroom.