Bomb plot trial focus for papers Version 0 of 1. The opening of the London bomb plot trial is covered on most front pages. The Times, Guardian and Daily Telegraph highlight a prosecution claim the group had been under surveillance 14 months before the alleged bombing attempt. The accusation one of the men fled London disguised as a woman is picked up by the Daily Mail and the Sun, which has the headline "Bomber in a Burka". The household ingredients said to have been in the devices prompts the Daily Mirror headline the "Chapati Bombers".# Cover-up claim The decision to dispense with a jury at the inquest into Princess Diana's death infuriates the Daily Express which calls it "mystifying and outrageous". The absence of jurors will hardly reassure the millions of people who suspect there is a cover-up, it says. The Morning Star leads on BA staff's backing for a mass walkout. Cabin crew voted overwhelmingly for strike action after accusing bosses of forcing them to turn up for work even if they were unwell, it reports. New party Coverage of Celebrity Big Brother is more negative than usual amid reports of alleged racist bullying towards Indian actress Shilpa Shetty. The Daily Mirror carries the headline "Bigot Brother" and says there have been more than 200 complaints but the Daily Star says there is no evidence. The Independent, meanwhile, turns its attention to a new far-right grouping in the European Parliament. The paper says the group underlines a growing challenge across Europe. 'Botched hanging' The Times carries an account from its correspondent, who was among reporters shown official video of two of Saddam Hussein's co-defendants being hanged. Stephen Farrell says the footage shows what appears to be a miscalculation by the executioner that caused one of the men to be decapitated. "Even though we knew what was coming", he writes, "it was still a shock". The Sun speaks of worldwide revulsion at what it describes as "another botched hanging". |