Man assaulted in town hijacking

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Police are investigating hijackings in Comber and south Belfast.

A man and his sister were pulled from their car in a car park near Comber Leisure Centre by three men at about 1700 GMT on Sunday.

In another attack a man was dragged from his car in Donnybrook Street in south Belfast about an hour later.

The hijacker made off in the car towards Sandringham Street. In Comber the male victim was assaulted, and sustained shoulder injuries.

One of the hijackers drove off in the car, while the others made off on foot.

Police in Belfast have said they are investigating a possible link between the Donnybrook Street hijacking and an earlier armed robbery at an amusement arcade on the Lisburn Road.

A man, armed with a knife, entered the premises and took a sum of cash from the cash drawer. The robber attempted to take money from the safe but was unsuccessful.

Two members of staff were left shocked but uninjured.

The robber has been described as being in his mid to late 20s, of medium to large build with broad shoulders and with a local accent.

He was wearing a light coloured top with a design on the front with the hood pulled up. A red cloth was also covering his face.