India election train: Map

Version 0 of 1.

Use this map to follow the latest reports from BBC correspondents travelling by train around India to cover the country's elections.

Video, audio, pictures and entries in <a class="inlineText" href="">Soutik Biswas' India Election Train blog</a> will be added to the map as the train stops at eight key locations during its 18-day, 6,000km journey.

The train left Delhi on 25 April, and will return to the city in time for the election results on 16 May.

Full coverage <a class="inlineText" href="/1/hi/in_depth/south_asia/2009/india_election/default.stm">of the Indian elections is available here.</a>

<link type="text/css" href="/nol/shared/bsp/hi/have_your_say/maps/airlock/3_0/css/map.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" /><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/nol/shared/bsp/hi/have_your_say/maps/airlock/3_0/css/map.ie7.css" /><![endif]--></script>--> <style type="text/css"> div#map ul.types li label { width: 100px; } #map ul.types li label span { width: 65px !important; } </style>

Follow the numbers for the planned route of the train and information about the cities.

Frequently asked questions

- I can't get the map to work.

If you're having problems with the map, let us know using the feedback form below. Don't forget to tell us which browser you are using, and try to be precise about what went wrong.

We are aware that a small number of people are presented with a blank map of the US, or no map at all, and are working to resolve those problems.

- Some items on the map aren't placed where they should be

For some of the content on the map we have only been able to plot the approximate location, for other pieces of content, if we plotted them too precisely, they would overlap and become very difficult to see clearly.


Did you find this map useful? How could it be improved? Tell us <a class="inlineText" href="/1/hi/talking_point/8000655.stm">here</a> .