Papers round on Gordon Brown

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There is some grim reading in the papers for Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Most alarming will be <a class="inlineText" href="">predictions in the Daily Telegraph that he is heading for a general election defeat</a> on the scale suffered by John Major in 1997.

A <a class="inlineText" href="">Daily Express editorial suggests "the final vestiges of life"</a> have "drained out" of Mr Brown's premiership.

Comfort may be found in the Daily Mirror, though, which believes "he is tougher and more resilient than many realise" and will "bounce back".

'Irrational fear'

The <a class="inlineText" href="">UK's plans to deal with a possible flu pandemic</a> - "Operation Pig Flu" - are considered in the Sun.

The paper claims official guidance will see hospitals pull names from a hat to allocate treatment if they become overwhelmed by the scale of the virus.

The <a class="inlineText" href="">Telegraph, meanwhile, suspects "irrational fear has taken a grip"</a> and argues there is no "cause to panic".

A <a class="inlineText" href="">group of UK women are shown in masks on the beach in the Sun,</a> which asks: "Whose idea was a Mexican hen do?"

'Unbelievable bravery'

The withdrawal of UK troops from Iraq divides opinions.

A "thank you" is offered by the Mirror front page, which adds: "To the 100,000 who served and the 179 who laid down their lives: You did us all proud."

The <a class="inlineText" href="">Daily Star points to "unbelievable bravery"</a> in a "distinctly dubious" war, and backs calls for a public inquiry.

<a class="inlineText" href="">"We must learn the lessons of one of the most catastrophic military adventures in Britain's history,"</a> is the Daily Mail viewpoint.

Hot summer

<a class="inlineText" href="">There is a UK "bull market", officially,</a> after shares enjoyed their biggest monthly gain in six years, reports the Financial Times.

Investors are "picking out so-called 'green shoots'", say analysts.

A number of papers bask in the news of a hot, dry summer ahead, according to forecasters' predictions.

The <a class="inlineText" href="">Guardian considers it a reason "for us all to cheer up",</a> hoping the prospect can help readers "forget gloom, doom and recession".