Misbah's father denies school bid


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The father of runaway schoolgirl Misbah Rana has denied reports that she is to study Islam at a controversial religious school in Islamabad.

The 12-year-old, also known as Molly Campbell, left Scotland without her mother's consent last August to be with her father, Sajad Rana in Pakistan.

She fled from Stornoway in the Western Isles to Lahore.

Mr Rana said his daughter had visited friends at a madrasa in Islamabad but had no intention of enrolling to study.

'Totally untrue'

It had been reported that Misbah had moved out of her father's home and enrolled at the Jamia Hafsa madrasa - said to be one of several schools investigated by Pakistani authorities amid claims they have links to terror group al Qaida.

He said: "It's totally untrue. She is not enrolled in any madrasa."

"She made a statement saying she was interested in doing some Islamic studies and was looking at different schools.

"There are plenty of schools in Lahore - why would she go to Islamabad? She only went there to meet friends."

Earlier this week her mother Louise Campbell offered to drop her four-month fight for full custody provided she is given regular access to her daughter.

Lawyers for Molly's parents will attempt to reach a settlement ahead of a further court hearing on Wednesday.