Appeal for child abuser's victims Version 0 of 1. Police are appealing for anyone who believes they may have been the victim of a predatory paedophile to come forward. David Bye, 43, was jailed indefinitely at Merthyr Crown Court for raping a young girl in a caravan in mid Wales. The case is probably unique because Bye, originally from Greenford, west London, was prosecuted despite his victim never being found. However, officer believe more victims of the paedophile could now emerge. They believe Bye, who lived in Scotland, Hampshire and Kent before moving to Wales, may have been abusing children for decades. After the case at Merthyr Crown Court, Det Con Hayley Heard, from Dyfed-Powys Police, said: "Justice is served today - it has been a very protracted enquiry which has spanned over two forces - Thames Valley and Dyfed-Powys. Refused to co-operate "It's possible that the abuse has gone on over 30 years and it is possible that some other victims may come forward after today." The court heard how police found more than 17,000 indecent images of young children, among them some of the worst examples of child pornography. Officers also discovered 202 photographs of 10 children that Bye had taken in his caravan in mid Wales. Initially they were unable to identify the attacker as Bye, and when they did he refused to co-operate with police. The court heard how in an interview lasting nearly two hours the paedophile answered 'no comment' every time he was asked to name his victims. Detectives identified the place where the abuse took place The children themselves had no knowledge of what had happened and police think Bye drugged or sedated them before carrying out the abuse. The court was told Bye was a predatory paedophile and sexual pervert who had harboured a deep seated sexual craving for young children. He picked on single vulnerable parents, becoming their best friend and even using the fact that he was a father himself to give an air of respectability. There is no suggestion that his own child was a victim. Sentencing, Judge Eleri Rees said that despite his admissions and pleas of guilt, Bye had not assisted police in identifying the children involved so they could receive help. 'Very charismatic' She said Bye was in denial about the extent of his obsession with young children. Det Insp Diane Davies described Bye as a "devious chameleon" who she said had over many years had changed his appearance, his job and where he lived in order to pursue and abuse young children. She said: "He's the kind of man who can fit into any circle, mixing with every socio-economic type of group and is very charismatic "There are almost certainly many more of David Bye's victims out there. "We hope the fact he's now been put behind bars for a long time, may persuade those (unknown) victims and their families to come forward and get the help they need." |