It's the Magazine's 7 days 7 questions weekly quiz - a chance to find out how much news from the past week you've read, heard and watched... and how much has stayed lodged in the old grey matter.
It's the Magazine's 7 days 7 questions weekly quiz - a chance to find out how much news from the past week you've read, heard and watched... and how much has stayed lodged in the old grey matter.
1.) Multiple Choice Question
1.) Multiple Choice Question
The new First Puppy - a six-month-old Portugese water dog - takes the President for a walk. How did it get its name, Bo?
Bo, the new First Puppy - a six-month-old Portuguese water dog - takes the President for a walk. How did it get its name?
Barack Obama's initials
Sasha and Malia's cousins have cat called Bo
Named after Bo Diddley
Barack Obama's initials
Sasha and Malia's cousins have a cat called Bo
Named after one of the Dukes of Hazzard
And here's a closer look. The dog was a gift from Edward Kennedy, who owns three Portugese water dogs himself. It's one of very few breeds to which Malia would not be allergic.Click NEXT to continue.
And here's a closer look. Bo was a gift from Edward Kennedy, who owns three Portuguese water dogs himself. It's one of very few breeds to which Malia is not be allergic.Click NEXT to continue.
2.) Multiple Choice Question
2.) Multiple Choice Question
For what "extra mile" did some civil servants get a ã250 bonus?
For what "extra mile" did some civil servants get a ã250 bonus?
Turning up for work on the day snow all but paralysed the UK
Taking no sick days for a year
Responding to ministers' e-mails within 30 minutes
Turning up for work on the day snow all but paralysed the UK
Taking no sick days for a year
Responding to ministers' e-mails within 30 minutes
3.) Multiple Choice Question
3.) Multiple Choice Question
What is this?
What is this?
Diffuser on Jensen Button's F1 car
Protective gear used by the Met Police's public order unit
Electronic device fitted to vans of the fishermen protesting in France over EU cod quotas
Diffuser on Jensen Button's F1 car
Protective gear used by the Met Police's public order unit
Electronic device fitted to vans of the fishermen protesting in France over EU cod quotas
4.) Missing Word Question
4.) Missing Word Question
* of men 'live with parents'
* of men 'live with parents'
5.) Multiple Choice Question
5.) Multiple Choice Question
"When I saw this first, I was horrified, I was shocked and I was very angry indeed." Said who?
"When I saw this first, I was horrified, I was shocked and I was very angry indeed." Said who?
Marco Pierre White on Hell's Kitchen, as Gary Lineker's fianance Danielle Bux cheated on a pasta challenge
Gordon Brown, on the smear e-mails sent by his now former aide, Damian McBride
Jeremy Clarkson, on government plans to subsidise electric car use
Marco Pierre White on Hell's Kitchen, as Gary Lineker's fianance Danielle Bux cheated on a pasta challenge
Gordon Brown, on the smear e-mails sent by his now former aide, Damian McBride
Jeremy Clarkson, on government plans to subsidise electric car use
6.) Multiple Choice Question
6.) Multiple Choice Question
Afghan women protest against new laws that prevent Shia women working without their husband's permission. The law also states a husband may demand sex how often?
Afghan women protest against new laws that prevent Shia women working without their husband's permission. The law also states a husband may demand sex how often?
At least three times a month
Once a week
Every four days
At least three times a month
Once a week
Every four days
7.) Multiple Choice Question
7.) Multiple Choice Question
Snakes on a plane! Four pythons escaped from the hold during a flight from Alice Springs to Melbourne. How big were they?
Snakes on a plane! Four pythons escaped from the hold during a flight from Alice Springs to Melbourne. How big were they?
Babies - just 15cm
Juveniles - about 60cm
Adults - more than big enough at a metre long
Babies - just 15cm
Juveniles - about 60cm
Adults - more than big enough at a metre long
It's after Bo the cat, who owns the girls' counsins. Also, Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed "Diddley" after the blues musician.
It was for snow, given to the 224 - out of 1,400 - Crown Prosecution Service employees in London who made it to work on Monday 2 February.
It's the controversial split-level diffuser on Jensen Button's Brawn GP car, which was cleared for use on Wednesday by the sport's governing body, the FIA. Meanwhile, an officer from the Met Police has been suspended for apparently hitting a woman at the G20 protests.
It's "third" - 29% (just under a third) of men aged 20 to 34 live with their parents, according to new figures from the Office of National Statistics.
It's Gordon Brown, speaking on a visit to Glasgow on Thursday, in which he also said: "I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went immediately."
It's every four days, and the wife cannot lawfully refuse. The laws have been widely denounced by the international community.
The quartet were babies, just 15cm - six inches - long. It was first feared that the other pythons in the cargo hold had eaten them, but this was discounted. As a search didn't turn up the reptiles, the plane was fumigated to kill the wee snakes.
It's after Bo the cat, who owns the girls' counsins. Also, Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed "Diddley" after the blues musician.
It was for snow, given to the 224 - out of 1,400 - Crown Prosecution Service employees in London who made it to work on Monday 2 February.
It's the controversial split-level diffuser on Jensen Button's Brawn GP car, which was cleared for use on Wednesday by the sport's governing body, the FIA. Meanwhile, an officer from the Met Police has been suspended for apparently hitting a woman at the G20 protests.
It's "third" - 29% (just under a third) of men aged 20 to 34 live with their parents, according to new figures from the Office of National Statistics.
It's Gordon Brown, speaking on a visit to Glasgow on Thursday, in which he also said: "I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went immediately."
It's every four days, and the wife cannot lawfully refuse. The laws have been widely denounced by the international community.
The quartet were babies, just 15cm - six inches - long. It was first feared that the other pythons in the cargo hold had eaten them, but this was discounted. As a search didn't turn up the reptiles, the plane was fumigated to kill the wee snakes.