Cheque for book overdue 32 years

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An anonymous borrower has sent a Portsmouth library a £20 donation after keeping one of its book for 32 years.

Paulsgrove Library received a cheque from a person who confessed to taking a copy of "Railways Between The Wars" by HC Casserley in February 1977.

The borrower admitted to preferring to make a donation rather than return the book because of its poor condition in a note sent along with the cheque.

The book features a selection of black and white pictures of railway stations.

Lindy Elliott, acting library service manager, said: "Although stealing from a library can never be condoned, we would like to thank the anonymous benefactor for their belated honesty after 32 years.

"We very much appreciate this unexpected gesture and hope the book is still being enjoyed."

Ms Elliott added the donation would be deposited in the library's book fund to buy new stock for loan.