Widow's plea for sailor's killers


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The widow of a Sussex yachtsman murdered by pirates off the Thai coast does not want his killers to face the death penalty, her brother says.

It is thought Malcolm Robertson, 64, had his throat cut and his body was then thrown into the sea.

John Clee, of Battle, the brother of Linda Robertson, 57, who survived the attack, said his sister wanted those responsible spared the death penalty.

Mrs Robertson, of Hastings, arrived back in the UK on Sunday.

Family members who met her at Heathrow Airport said she had been "shell shocked" and "bewildered" by her ordeal on 23 March.

'Doesn't forgive them'

Mr Clee, 63, said: "She's up and down. She seems okay one moment then the next minute very upset. It's early days yet.

"There's been lots of questions and lots of crying."

When asked what she felt about her husband's killers, Mr Clee said she "doesn't forgive" them but "doesn't want to see them dealt with by the death penalty".

Mrs Robertson and her husband were sailing near Koh Dong island when their yacht was boarded by three men as they slept.

She suffered minor injuries after she was tied up and dumped below deck for 10 hours.

The body of her husband was found by fishermen north of Satun's Lipeh Island a week after the attack.

A memorial service was held in Thailand on Thursday.

Petals were thrown into the water off Phuket where the couple's 44ft yacht is berthed, a tree was planted and a marble plaque put up in Mr Robertson's memory.

Three Burmese migrants have been charged with kidnap, assault and theft.

Now Mr Robertson's body has been found, Thai authorities can bring a charge of murder against the men.