'Stone' found in a baby food tin


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A second Kent family has accused Heinz of putting babies at risk after finding a foreign object in its baby food.

Chris and Samantha Hook, from Maidstone, have claimed they found a stone inside a tin of spaghetti bolognese while feeding their daughter.

The revelations came as Heinz said the possible discovery of a metal shard found in the same product by a family from Margate was an isolated incident.

Nigel Dickie, of Heinz, said both were unrelated but would be investigated.

'Trusted product'

Chris Hook, told BBC South East news, he was alerted to the object when he saw what at first looked liked a pea on the spoon being used to feed his 11-month-old daughter Katie.

"When I looked at it in more detail it was in fact a rock hard stone," he said.

After contacting Heinz, he was sent some packaging in order to return the stone, plus a £5 voucher.

Mr Hook contacted the BBC after hearing of a similar incident concerning Rachael Cousins, whose 10-month-old son Archie, was left bleeding from the mouth after being cut while eating the same Heinz product.

The Hook family said their daughter could have choked

Archie's parents claim the cut was made by a 17mm metal shard.

Both families have called for the batch of baby food to be removed from supermarket shelves and checked.

But Mr Dickie said that would not be necessary as there was no evidence to suggest there was anything wrong with the variety of baby food.

"We're always very sorry when one of our trusted products gives cause for concern but obviously these are unrelated in the sense of what the items are, and we do not know at this stage how they came to be associated with the product."