US bar stool crash driver charged Version 0 of 1. A man has been charged with drink-driving - without even leaving the comfort of his bar stool. Police in Newark, Ohio, said they found Kile Wygle with the remains of his motorised bar stool after it crashed at about 20mph (32km/h). Mr Wygle, 28, suffered minor injuries in the crash and was charged after he told an officer at the hospital that he had consumed 15 beers. The barstool had been made out of lawnmower parts. Newark police Sergeant Barry Connell said some people have made a sport out of racing the modified bar stools which have tyres, a steering wheel and a small engine. "There are hundreds of people racing these things, but they race on closed courses," he said. Charge denied However, Mr Wygle has denied he was intoxicated while riding the bar stool. He told the NBC television affiliate in Columbus, Ohio, that he only started drinking after the crash. "I drank quite a bit after [the crash] because my head hurt so bad. I went in and drank a half a bottle of whiskey," he said. Mr Wygle says he has requested a jury trial. |