Amorous king snake on the loose Version 0 of 1. An amorous snake is on the loose after it escaped from its home in a bid to find a mate. Trio's owner Phil Bennett believes the snake picked up the scent of two females in a vivarium underneath his enclosure and fought his way out. The king snake, which is not poisonous, was last seen at its home in Bournemouth, Dorset, on Friday night. Anyone who finds the black and white snake is advised to contact police immediately. Mr Bennett said: "They have come into the snake equivalent of mating season and the females just made him feel a bit more amorous. "I think he tried his best to find them but when he got out he couldn't see them and has gone exploring. "I'd imagine he will be in a small area and somewhere warm. "The usual place they are found is curled around motors on fridges or machines." |