City kerbside recycling extended Version 0 of 1. A further 25,000 Belfast households are to be included in a kerbside recycling scheme. Charity, Bryson House, said it would give people a helping hand to dispose of their Christmas refuse. The city council service, delivered by the charity, aims to make recycling more convenient and accessible. Eric Randall of Bryson said: "We are confident this service can help the people of Belfast do their bit for the environment." New areas in the latest rollout include Stranmillis, Malone Road, Lisburn Road and the Holy Land area, the Shankill, Falls and Woodvale areas. Cliftonville, Ardoyne, New Lodge in the north of the city are included, as are Bloomfield, Ballymacaret, Strandtown and Sydenham in the east. The charity said suitable materials for collection include paper, card/cardboard, plastic bottles, glass bottles and jars, food and drink cans, foil, textiles and hand tools. The service started in January 2005 and has collected almost 4,000 tonnes of domestic waste for recycling. The new roll-out brings the number of households included in the scheme to about 50,000. |