Royal attacks China over rights

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The Socialist candidate for the French presidency, Segolene Royal, has called on China to meet its international obligations on human rights.

Ms Royal, in Beijing for a three-day visit, criticised China's record on jailing journalists and lawyers.

"Professionals who have participated in defending rights should be protected," she said. "This is part of (China's) international commitments."

Ms Royal is to meet Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong on Monday.

Speaking during a tour of Beijing's Forbidden City, she said that ties with China should not mean "losing our fundamental values".

"The question of human rights should not be delinked from other problems," she said.

She also touched on the issue of environmental damage caused by China's rapid development.

"It is necessary to link economic development, environmental protection and the development of social rights," the French news agency AFP quoted her as saying.

"When there is serious environmental degradation, when water is polluted and millions of people have no access to clean water, this is an attack on human rights."

Analysts say the visit to China is a chance for Ms Royal to address criticism that she lacks experience in foreign affairs ahead of the presidential elections in April.