'Honey I left the kid' - at hotel


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A hotel chain has revealed the most unusual possession left behind in a room - a three-year-old child.

The child's parents booked in to attend a family wedding and after getting ready headed off to the church - forgetting to take the little boy.

They drove for 10 minutes before realising they had left him at the Travelodge in Swansea.

Spokeswoman Shakila Ahmed said: "They rang in a panic and staff went to the room and found him playing happily."

"He was fine and hadn't really noticed they'd gone. But it gave his parents the fright of their lives.

"It was just one of those things - they were both rushing to get ready for the wedding and forgot about their little boy."

Other possessions left behind in other Travelodges include a racing bike worth £19,000, a spy's dossier and a hollowed-out bible containing £250 cash.