Consumers get slightly cheerier

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UK consumers were slightly more confident in February, according to the latest figures from pollsters GfK NOP on behalf of the European Commission.

Its overall consumer confidence index rose to -35, which was up two points from January, but 18 points down on the same month of 2008.

The biggest improvement came in perceptions of the situation over the next 12 months.

It shows many consumers believe things will be better this time next year.

They may have been cheered by record low interest rates, which have reduced monthly mortgage payments for many.

"Consumer confidence remains very fragile, although rose slightly from its January figure," said Rachael Joy from GfK NOP.

"The public certainly recognise that it's been a tough year... however, looking to the future, we saw an uplift in consumers' views of both their personal situation and the general economy over the next 12 months."