Papers rage over banker's pension

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There is anger at former RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin being given a pension fund of around £16m, despite the bank's near collapse under his stewardship.

The Daily Mirror demands "Off with his Fred" as the banker refused ministers' calls to hand back part of his pension.

Many papers lead with his claim it was approved by City minister Lord Myners.

The Daily Express says that "if Goodwin cannot be legally forced into surrendering his ill-gotten gains, then he must be shamed into it".

Toxic assets

The UK record £24bn losses at RBS - and the need for the government to insure £325bn of its toxic assets - prompts calls for the banks to be nationalised.

The Independent says ministers should stop their "nationalisation by degree" and bring about an "urgent restructuring" of the banking system.

The Financial Times says the government support for RBS could leave it with a stake in the bank of up to 95%.

It says full nationalisation is "one of the last shots left in the locker".

'Sitcom queen'

Tributes to actress Wendy Richard, who died of cancer on Thursday, feature in almost all of the newspapers.

"Sixties sexpot, Carry On star, chart-topper, Grace Brothers bimbo...and the darling of Albert Square," is how the Sun remembers her.

Mollie Sugden - who starred alongside her in Are You Being Served? - tells the Mirror "she was the daughter I never had".

In the paper, Sir Terry Wogan describes her as "the undoubted queen of sitcom".

Peerage prospect

The Times reports that Gordon Brown could offer Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor a peerage when he retires as Archbishop of Westminster.

It says that would make him the first Roman Catholic bishop to sit in the House of Lords since the Reformation.

Finally, the Telegraph says doodling while listening may focus the mind.

Scientists in Plymouth found volunteers who drew shapes while on a telephone call retained almost a third more information than those whose did not.