Colleges are being given advice on how to prevent students becoming drawn to violent extremism and terrorism.
Colleges are being given advice on how to prevent students becoming drawn to violent extremism and terrorism.
The guidelines are being made available to further education colleges in England to help institutions discuss the issues surrounding extremist views.
The guidelines are being made available to further education colleges in England to help institutions discuss the issues surrounding extremist views.
Skills Secretary John Denham will launch the guidance at Newham College in east London later.
Skills Secretary John Denham will launch the wide-ranging "tool kit" at Newham College in east London later.
Similar guidelines have already been issued to primary and secondary schools, as well as to universities.
Similar guidelines have already been issued to primary and secondary schools, as well as to universities.
The guidance caused controversy, with some academics saying the government was asking them to spy on their students.
The guidance caused controversy, with some academics saying the government was asking them to spy on their students.
'Particular role to play'
The government says FE intuitions have a particular role to play, as they are often at the heart of local communities and serve students from a diverse range of ages and backgrounds.
The government says FE intuitions have a particular role to play, as they are often at the heart of local communities and serve students from a diverse range of ages and backgrounds.
In a consultation paper, the government says: "Colleges play an invaluable role in promoting community cohesion and integration, providing settings where young people and adults from every ethnic, faith, belief and social group can come together."
In a consultation paper, the government says: "Colleges play an invaluable role in promoting community cohesion and integration, providing settings where young people and adults from every ethnic, faith, belief and social group can come together."
'Reflection of society'
The advice is wide-ranging, says Mr Denham.
"The tool kit covers guidance about people who seem to be trying to impose their views on others, perhaps through intimidation, or people who might be accessing materials on the internet which look as though they might be illegal or inappropriate.
"And generally it gives colleges advice on different ways of handling different situations."
He said the advice was not meant to suggest extremism in colleges was a major problem, but added that "colleges reflect what's there in the rest of society".
"Whether we're talking about some of the international terrorism that we've seen, whether we're talking about animal rights extremism, because those things exist in a wider society they will turn up in FE colleges."
The guidelines will address how staff and students can create space for free and open debate and break down segregation between different student communities.
The guidelines will address how staff and students can create space for free and open debate and break down segregation between different student communities.
How to provide support and advice to vulnerable individuals is also addressed.
How to provide support and advice to vulnerable individuals is also addressed.
And the advice will reinforce the role of staff in preventing extremism, as well as ensuring campuses are free from bullying and intimidation.
And the advice will reinforce the role of staff in preventing extremism, as well as ensuring campuses are free from bullying and intimidation.
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