Child cruelty jail term suspended

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A 34-year-old man has been given a suspended sentence after admitting cruelty to his partner's young son.

Belfast Crown Court heard the cruelty ranged from the boy being pulled around by his ears to being forced to stand in a corner and being hit if he moved.

The child was aged between six and eight when the offences were committed.

A lawyer for the man told the court the incidents were more "inappropriate disciplining" rather than acts of gratuitous violence.

The accused, a father-of-two from County Down, cannot be named to protect the identity of his victim.

Appearing in court on Thursday he pleaded guilty to three counts of cruelty to a child.

The alarm was raised in 2007 when the boy's father noticed bruising on his son's ears. He contacted social services and the police and when a doctor examined the youngster, bruises were found on both ears.

The court heard said the accused also made the youngster stand outside in his bare feet with his legs spread and his hands on his feet. He threatened to put drawing pins on the ground, but the threat was not carried out.

A defence barrister told the court his client admitted what he had done when questioned by police and had spared his young victim the trauma of having to give evidence at a trial.

He said the incidents "were not pre-meditated sadistic forms of torture", but were more "inappropriate disciplining".

Handing the accused a six month prison sentence, suspended for two years, Mr Justice Deeny said the 34-year old's actions "went far beyond" what is acceptable behaviour for a parent or guardian when disciplining a child.

The judge added that while the youngster has "largely recovered" from his ordeal, he still suffers from "outbursts of anger and anxiety".