Israel 'collaborator' freed early

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An Israeli woman jailed for three years for aiding Palestinian militants has been freed nearly a year early.

Tali Fahima, 30, was the first Israeli jailed for "collaboration". She admitted the charge in a plea deal in which she avoided treason charges.

The legal assistant had struck up a friendship with a Palestinian militant leader and visited him several times in the West Bank town of Jenin.

Her release for good conduct comes with restrictions, prison officials said.

I don't regret anything, and I will continue to work against the occupation and for peace Tali Fahima

"The prison service release committee this morning approved the early release of Tali Fahima," spokeswoman Orit Steltzer said.

She is banned from leaving the country, contacting foreign agents or entering the Palestinian-controlled areas in the occupied West Bank, Ms Steltzer said.

Speaking to supporters who gathered to see her release, Ms Fahima said: "I don't regret anything, and I will continue to work against the occupation and for peace."

Regular guest

In her December 2005 trial, Tali Fahima pleaded guilty to charges including contacting a foreign agent with intent to harm Israel's security, relaying information to the enemy and illegally entering Palestinian-controlled areas.

Zakaria Zubeidi is one of the most wanted Palestinian militants by IsraelMore serious charges were dropped, including helping the enemy in wartime, which carries a possible life sentence.

She was held for 14 months before her conviction - including three months under administrative detention without trial, a security measure Israel usually reserves for Palestinian suspects.

Israel accuses Zakaria Zubeidi, a local leader of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, of killing several Israelis in roadside shootings.

Before her arrest Fahima was a regular guest in his house and told reporters she was staying close him to protect him from assassination by Israel.

In a 2005 interview, Fahima called the Israeli security service Shin Bet a "terror organisation."