Papers focus on NHS

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"What a crazy waste of money" is the Daily Mail's response to claims by the think-tank, Reform, that the NHS is squandering £25bn a year.

In an example of "profligate spending", the paper says an Italian doctor was flown in at a cost of £5,000 to cover for GPs in the Highlands for five days.

Dr Anniballe Bertollo was brought in and given a jeep with satnav.

A patient in the Sun describes the move as "more like a pantomime than meaningful cover".

'False economy'

The Daily Telegraph claims that NHS hospital trusts are being asked to postpone some operations, to make their end-of-year accounts look less severe.

The paper says it has seen letters from NHS managers in eastern England, which call for some operations to be delayed until the new financial year in April.

Tory health spokesman Andrew Lansley said it was a "false economy" aimed at making sure ministers kept their jobs.

The Independent warns fake medicines are being smuggled into the UK.

Drink-fuelled anarchy

The papers also carry photographs from the New Year's Eve revelry.

The Daily Mail says it was the emergency services' busiest night since the Millennium, and blames pubs which opened for 36 unbroken hours.

There is a generally positive reception for the midnight fireworks on the Thames, even if they did cost £1.3m.

The Times says London showed the world exactly what it is "big, brash, exciting, colourful, self-confident - and extremely expensive".

Black Tuesday

According to the Daily Mail, Tuesday marks the start of "Britain's Great New Year Lie-In".

The Federation of Small Businesses say that instead of returning to work, three million people have extended their holiday until next week.

In contrast, the Daily Telegraph says today is "Black Tuesday".

As Britain returns to work, armies of bank managers, debt counsellors and divorce lawyers are preparing to deal with the festive season's fall-out.