New Severn crossing charges begin

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Tolls on the two River Severn crossings have topped £5 for cars, £10 for goods vehicles and £15 for lorries.

New charges for the old Severn Bridge and the second Severn Crossing come into force on New Year's Day.

Car drivers face a rise of 20p to £5.10, small goods vehicles and buses see a 40p rise to £10.20. Lorries will pay £15.30, a rise of 60p.

The Severn River Crossing company said the tolls were changed under parliamentary guidance.

The mile-long old Severn Bridge marked its 40th anniversary in 2006.

The second bridge opened, in advance of schedule, in 1996 and cost £300m.

General manager Jim Clune said: "SRC amends the tolls at the start of each year in strict compliance with the Severn Bridges Act 1992 and upon an order from the Secretary of State.

"The Act sets down the precise method and base prices for setting toll levels and the adjustment to next year's toll levels, like this year, is in accordance with RPI (retail price index)."