Proposals on how to deal with the legacy of the Troubles, including a £12,000 payment for families of all those killed, have been published.
Proposals on how to deal with the legacy of the Troubles, including a £12,000 payment for families of all those killed, have been published.
Protesters temporarily disrupted the launch, including former unionist politician Cedric Wilson and Willie Frazer from victim's group Fair.
Protesters temporarily disrupted the launch, including former unionist politician Cedric Wilson and Willie Frazer from victim's group Fair.
Unionists and some groups have rejected the payment because it would include republican and loyalist paramilitaries.
Unionists and some groups have rejected the payment because it would include republican and loyalist paramilitaries.
Report co-author Lord Eames described the money as a "recognition payment".
Report co-author Lord Eames described the money as a "recognition payment".
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LIVE NOW : Eames Bradley report publication
LIVE NOW : Eames Bradley report publication
The 190-page report contains more than 30 recommendations.
The 190-page report, which contains more than 30 recommendations, will go to the government for consideration.
It has been compiled by the Consultative Group on the Past, an independent group set up to deal with the legacy of Northern Ireland's Troubles, during which more than 3,000 people died.
It has been compiled by the Consultative Group on the Past, an independent group set up to deal with the legacy of Northern Ireland's Troubles, during which more than 3,000 people died.
The proposals include a legacy commission which would be led by an international figure.
The proposals include a legacy commission which would be led by an international figure.
This commission would take over the work currently carried out by the police ombudsman, which investigates complaints against the police, and the Historical Enquiries Team, a specialist police unit set up to investigate unsolved killings throughout the Troubles.
This commission would take over the work currently carried out by the police ombudsman, which investigates complaints against the police, and the Historical Enquiries Team, a specialist police unit set up to investigate unsolved killings throughout the Troubles.
Speaking at the news conference, Lord Eames, a former Church of Ireland Primate, said it was "time for society to take the final step out of conflict by dealing with the legacy of the past."
Speaking at the news conference, Lord Eames, a former Church of Ireland Primate, said it was "time for society to take the final step out of conflict by dealing with the legacy of the past."
"We know that one size does not fit all and we are not imposing a one size fits all approach," Lord Eames said.
"We know that one size does not fit all and we are not imposing a one size fits all approach," Lord Eames said.
"But we are recommending... one package that offers many different options for individuals and communities."
"But we are recommending... one package that offers many different options for individuals and communities."
Denis Bradley, who chaired the group with Lord Eames, said the report can address "the calls for justice, the pleas for truth".
Denis Bradley, who chaired the group with Lord Eames, said the report can address "the calls for justice, the pleas for truth".
"We have heard your pleas and we say you are right," he said.
"We have heard your pleas and we say you are right," he said.
"And we have proposed the best way that we can construct to deliver justice and truth so that you too can move on."
"And we have proposed the best way that we can construct to deliver justice and truth so that you too can move on."
One of the main critics of the plan to pay victims' families was Northern Ireland's First Minister, the DUP leader Peter Robinson.
One of the main critics of the plan to pay victims' families was Northern Ireland's First Minister, the DUP leader Peter Robinson.
He told Secretary of State Shaun Woodward on Tuesday that the suggestion had "irreparably damaged" the group's report.
He told Secretary of State Shaun Woodward on Tuesday that the suggestion had "irreparably damaged" the group's report.
The recommendations include:
The recommendations include:
• An independent Legacy Commission to last five years with a £100m bursary to tackle the tasks of securing reconciliation, justice and information recovery
• An independent Legacy Commission to last five years with a £100m bursary to tackle the tasks of securing reconciliation, justice and information recovery
• Reconciliation Forum to help the Legacy Commission and the existing Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland (CVSNI)
• Reconciliation Forum to help the Legacy Commission and the existing Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland (CVSNI)
• The nearest relative of each person who died in the conflict should receive a £12,000 "recognition payment"
• The nearest relative of each person who died in the conflict should receive a £12,000 "recognition payment"
• A new Review and Investigation Unit to replace the police Historical Enquiries Team and the Police Ombudsman's unit dealing with historical cases
• A new Review and Investigation Unit to replace the police Historical Enquiries Team and the Police Ombudsman's unit dealing with historical cases
• No new public inquiries
• No new public inquiries
• The Group did not propose an amnesty for crimes linked to the conflict, but recommended the Legacy Commission should make proposals on how a line might be drawn
• The Group did not propose an amnesty for crimes linked to the conflict, but recommended the Legacy Commission should make proposals on how a line might be drawn
• An annual Day of Reflection and Reconciliation and a shared memorial to the conflict
• An annual Day of Reflection and Reconciliation and a shared memorial to the conflict
Has your family been affected by the Troubles? What do you think about compensation? You can send us your experiences using the form below:
Has your family been affected by the Troubles? What do you think about compensation? You can send us your experiences using the form below: