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Merkel Warns of Potential Coronavirus Resurgence: Live World Coverage Britain Says It Is Following Scientists’ Advice. But Their Names, and Advice, Are Secret: Live World Coverage
(about 3 hours later)
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Thursday warned the governors of the country’s 16 states against loosening restrictions on public life too quickly, saying that it could jeopardize the nation’s ability to keep the spread of coronavirus under control.Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Thursday warned the governors of the country’s 16 states against loosening restrictions on public life too quickly, saying that it could jeopardize the nation’s ability to keep the spread of coronavirus under control.
“Let us not squander what we have achieved,” she said in an address to Parliament.“Let us not squander what we have achieved,” she said in an address to Parliament.
Germany has slowed the pandemic’s spread since residents were ordered to largely remain in their homes starting in mid-March. The country, which has reported more than 148,000 infections and over 5,000 fatalities, has had a steady decline in the number of new cases since April.Germany has slowed the pandemic’s spread since residents were ordered to largely remain in their homes starting in mid-March. The country, which has reported more than 148,000 infections and over 5,000 fatalities, has had a steady decline in the number of new cases since April.
After discussions with the chancellor last week, the states allowed smaller stores and, in some cases, schools to begin reopening on Monday under restrictions.After discussions with the chancellor last week, the states allowed smaller stores and, in some cases, schools to begin reopening on Monday under restrictions.
But virologists have expressed concern that the loosening could result in a surge in the rate of spreading and strain the health system, which has so far been able to cope with the outbreak. Ms. Merkel said that she stood by her decisions to impose restrictions, and to allow them to be slowly eased, but cautioned against creating a false sense of security among the population by rescinding them too swiftly.But virologists have expressed concern that the loosening could result in a surge in the rate of spreading and strain the health system, which has so far been able to cope with the outbreak. Ms. Merkel said that she stood by her decisions to impose restrictions, and to allow them to be slowly eased, but cautioned against creating a false sense of security among the population by rescinding them too swiftly.
“Nobody wants to hear this, but the truth is that we are not living in the final phase of this pandemic, but at the beginning,” she said. “We are going to have to live with it for a long time.”“Nobody wants to hear this, but the truth is that we are not living in the final phase of this pandemic, but at the beginning,” she said. “We are going to have to live with it for a long time.”
But the chancellor also noted that the outbreak and subsequent lockdown was proving challenging.But the chancellor also noted that the outbreak and subsequent lockdown was proving challenging.
“This pandemic is an imposition on our democracy, because it restricts our existential rights and needs,” she said.“This pandemic is an imposition on our democracy, because it restricts our existential rights and needs,” she said.
As images of America’s overwhelmed hospital wards and snaking unemployment lines have flickered across the world, Europe is looking across the Atlantic at the richest and most powerful nation in the world with disbelief.As images of America’s overwhelmed hospital wards and snaking unemployment lines have flickered across the world, Europe is looking across the Atlantic at the richest and most powerful nation in the world with disbelief.
“When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said Henrik Enderlein, the president of the Berlin-based Hertie School, a public policy institute. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines: twenty-two million.”“When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said Henrik Enderlein, the president of the Berlin-based Hertie School, a public policy institute. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines: twenty-two million.”
“I feel a desperate sadness,” said Timothy Garton Ash, a professor of European history at Oxford University, and a lifelong and ardent Atlanticist who spends part of the year at Stanford University.“I feel a desperate sadness,” said Timothy Garton Ash, a professor of European history at Oxford University, and a lifelong and ardent Atlanticist who spends part of the year at Stanford University.
The pandemic has done more than take lives and livelihoods from New Delhi to New York. It is also shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the unique role that the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world.The pandemic has done more than take lives and livelihoods from New Delhi to New York. It is also shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the unique role that the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world.
Today it is leading in a different way: About 800,000 people in America have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and at least 42,501 have died, more than anywhere else in the world.Today it is leading in a different way: About 800,000 people in America have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and at least 42,501 have died, more than anywhere else in the world.
As the calamity unfolds, President Trump and state governors are arguing not only over what to do, but also over who has the authority to do it. Mr. Trump has fomented protests against the safety measures urged by scientific advisers, misrepresented facts about the virus and the government response nearly daily, and this week used the virus to cut off the issuing of green cards to people seeking to immigrate to the United States.As the calamity unfolds, President Trump and state governors are arguing not only over what to do, but also over who has the authority to do it. Mr. Trump has fomented protests against the safety measures urged by scientific advisers, misrepresented facts about the virus and the government response nearly daily, and this week used the virus to cut off the issuing of green cards to people seeking to immigrate to the United States.
“America has not done badly — it has done exceptionally badly,” said Dominique Moïsi, a senior adviser at the Institut Montaigne, a Paris think tank.“America has not done badly — it has done exceptionally badly,” said Dominique Moïsi, a senior adviser at the Institut Montaigne, a Paris think tank.
European Union leaders on Thursday asked the bloc’s executive to draft a proposal for a “recovery fund” that will support members’ efforts to rebuild their economies in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
The fund’s details — its size and the way it will hand out money to countries or industries in need — are expected to be divisive, and the European Commission will need to balance the demands of a poorer south that has been worse-hit by the disease, against those of a wealthier, and healthier, north.
At the Thursday meeting, held via teleconference, the 27 leaders also approved a set of immediate joint economic measures announced two weeks ago by finance ministers that are worth just over half a trillion euros.
European Council president Charles Michel, who convenes the leaders’ meetings, said those measures should be available as of June 1. They include 100 billion euros for unemployment support, 200 billion euros for smaller businesses, and 240 billion euros for health care system investments.
“The health situation is by far not fully under control, but at the same time we already know that the scale, the speed and the impact of the economic crisis is unprecedented in modern times,” said Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, whose staff will need to build the recovery fund proposal.
“Some countries will be hit harder than others and unless we act decidedly and collectively, the recovery will not be symmetric,” she warned.
She said that leaders had asked her to use the European Union’s budget, a seven-year pot of funds that finances the bloc’s policies, as a basis for the fund.
Southern European countries led by Italy and Spain are calling for a fund of more than a trillion euros ($1.08 trillion) that will be able to extend grants rather than loans for nations’ recovery efforts.But the idea of grants does not appeal to northern European countries.
“There will be a sound balance of grants and loans and this will be a matter of negotiation with member states, so we find a good mixture” Ms. von der Leyen said.
Accused of botching its response to the coronavirus, the British government has repeatedly insisted that it was following the advice of its panel of scientific advisers, known as SAGE.
But no one outside government or the panel knows what that advice is, who is giving it, or how faithfully the government is following it.
Meetings of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies are closed. Its list of members is secret. Its recommendations are private.
That has made it impossible for the public to assess how Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government arrived at its laissez-faire approach to the pandemic through much of March, even as other European countries were limiting travel, public gatherings and personal movement.
Nor is it any clearer what scientific advice had changed when the government did impose a lockdown, on March 23. Mr. Johnson tested positive for the virus three days later and is still recovering.
“You can’t challenge the advice if other experts can’t see what they are looking at,” said Sarah Wollaston, a former chairwoman of the health committee in Parliament.
Critics say the government’s delay may have cost lives and question whether it is getting scientific advice from the right people.
As of Thursday, more than 138,000 people in Britain have tested positive for the virus, and more than 18,700 have died, according to the government’s counts — and there is ample evidence, as in other countries, that the real figure is likely significantly higher.
In Europe, only Italy, Spain and France have higher official death tolls, but they were hit earlier than Britain and are closer to getting their outbreaks under control.
In early March, Britain’s government settled on a strategy of urging voluntary measures and keeping the economy running, rather than closing businesses and ordering people to stay at home.
It stuck to that approach until a week after Imperial College London published a frightening study on March 16 that projected up to 500,000 deaths if Britain did not act more aggressively.
China said on Thursday that it would donate an additional $30 million to the World Health Organization after President Trump’s order this month to suspend American funding to the agency as he accused it of promoting “China’s misinformation” and “severely mismanaging” the spread of the coronavirus.China said on Thursday that it would donate an additional $30 million to the World Health Organization after President Trump’s order this month to suspend American funding to the agency as he accused it of promoting “China’s misinformation” and “severely mismanaging” the spread of the coronavirus.
The new Chinese donation was announced on Twitter by Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “At this crucial moment, supporting W.H.O. is supporting Multilateralism and Global Solidarity,” she wrote.The new Chinese donation was announced on Twitter by Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “At this crucial moment, supporting W.H.O. is supporting Multilateralism and Global Solidarity,” she wrote.
That funding follows another donation of $20 million in March, Ms. Hua said. U.S. donations to the organization have historically outstripped China’s: Of the $5.6 billion that the agency received in 2018 and 2019, the United States contributed about $893 million and China gave $86 million.That funding follows another donation of $20 million in March, Ms. Hua said. U.S. donations to the organization have historically outstripped China’s: Of the $5.6 billion that the agency received in 2018 and 2019, the United States contributed about $893 million and China gave $86 million.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general, said on Wednesday that he recognized the importance of American funding both for the W.H.O. and in his native Ethiopia, where he had served as health minister.Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general, said on Wednesday that he recognized the importance of American funding both for the W.H.O. and in his native Ethiopia, where he had served as health minister.
He said that the money was important not only for global health, but also for the safety of the United States, and that he hoped Mr. Trump would restore the funding.He said that the money was important not only for global health, but also for the safety of the United States, and that he hoped Mr. Trump would restore the funding.
“I hope the freezing of the funding will be reconsidered and the U.S. will once again support W.H.O.’s work and continue to save lives,” Dr. Tedros said.“I hope the freezing of the funding will be reconsidered and the U.S. will once again support W.H.O.’s work and continue to save lives,” Dr. Tedros said.
China’s announcement comes as it still works to control pockets of outbreaks, with several cities in the north introducing new epidemic prevention measures this week.China’s announcement comes as it still works to control pockets of outbreaks, with several cities in the north introducing new epidemic prevention measures this week.
The scale of new cases appears modest: The Chinese state news media tallied dozens of new infections, all of which experts said were linked to the return of Chinese from Russia and the United States. Still, it is not clear that the spread has been entirely contained, and local governments put limits on travel and issued bulletins to increase vigilance.The scale of new cases appears modest: The Chinese state news media tallied dozens of new infections, all of which experts said were linked to the return of Chinese from Russia and the United States. Still, it is not clear that the spread has been entirely contained, and local governments put limits on travel and issued bulletins to increase vigilance.
For China, the new rules and the prospect of further spread are a reminder of this past winter, when a vast portion of the country’s cities were locked down. And for the rest of the world, it underscores how challenging it can be to control the contagion — even after the worst seems to be over.For China, the new rules and the prospect of further spread are a reminder of this past winter, when a vast portion of the country’s cities were locked down. And for the rest of the world, it underscores how challenging it can be to control the contagion — even after the worst seems to be over.
Kenya has vowed to arrest and isolate about 50 people who escaped from a coronavirus quarantine center in Nairobi, highlighting the challenges the authorities are facing in curbing the spread of the disease.Kenya has vowed to arrest and isolate about 50 people who escaped from a coronavirus quarantine center in Nairobi, highlighting the challenges the authorities are facing in curbing the spread of the disease.
President Uhuru Kenyatta said in an interview with several radio stations that the police were searching for a group that fled the Kenya Medical Training College in the capital, where they were in quarantine.President Uhuru Kenyatta said in an interview with several radio stations that the police were searching for a group that fled the Kenya Medical Training College in the capital, where they were in quarantine.
“We know you and we will find you and we will take you back where you were,” he said.“We know you and we will find you and we will take you back where you were,” he said.
The announcement came after videos surfaced showing several people scaling a wall and leaving the facility with backpacks. Mr. Kenyatta also lamented that many Kenyans were not taking the disease seriously and were putting their loved ones at risk.The announcement came after videos surfaced showing several people scaling a wall and leaving the facility with backpacks. Mr. Kenyatta also lamented that many Kenyans were not taking the disease seriously and were putting their loved ones at risk.
Over the past few days, sex workers in eastern Kenya and dozens of wedding participants in Nairobi have been arrested and placed into mandatory 14-day quarantine. This month, Mr. Kenyatta ordered the arrest of the deputy governor of Kilifi County in the country’s south for violating quarantine measures.Over the past few days, sex workers in eastern Kenya and dozens of wedding participants in Nairobi have been arrested and placed into mandatory 14-day quarantine. This month, Mr. Kenyatta ordered the arrest of the deputy governor of Kilifi County in the country’s south for violating quarantine measures.
But the president has also reiterated a health ministry directive that those found guilty of flouting social distancing rules and curfews be placed into quarantine centers instead of being detained at police stations.But the president has also reiterated a health ministry directive that those found guilty of flouting social distancing rules and curfews be placed into quarantine centers instead of being detained at police stations.
The authorities in Kenya have faced accusations of mishandling the confinement measures, filling quarantine centers to capacity and charging poor workers to stay in isolation units. Last week, more than two dozen people isolated at a university campus in Nairobi protested, saying that they were being held even after they had tested negative for the coronavirus and finished their quarantine.The authorities in Kenya have faced accusations of mishandling the confinement measures, filling quarantine centers to capacity and charging poor workers to stay in isolation units. Last week, more than two dozen people isolated at a university campus in Nairobi protested, saying that they were being held even after they had tested negative for the coronavirus and finished their quarantine.
The East African nation has reported 303 cases and 14 deaths from the coronavirus.The East African nation has reported 303 cases and 14 deaths from the coronavirus.
The Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Islam, will be closed to the public throughout the fasting month of Ramadan to stem the spread of the coronavirus, in what scholars believe is the first time in centuries that it has been shut to Muslims during the holiday.The Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Islam, will be closed to the public throughout the fasting month of Ramadan to stem the spread of the coronavirus, in what scholars believe is the first time in centuries that it has been shut to Muslims during the holiday.
But the Muslim world will still be able to follow prayers from the holy site online.But the Muslim world will still be able to follow prayers from the holy site online.
The Islamic Waqf, the Jordanian-backed body that administers the mosque, plans to run a daily broadcast on Facebook of its employees performing special Ramadan evening prayers at the holy site, as well as traditional Friday Prayer.The Islamic Waqf, the Jordanian-backed body that administers the mosque, plans to run a daily broadcast on Facebook of its employees performing special Ramadan evening prayers at the holy site, as well as traditional Friday Prayer.
“We are deeply pained the people can’t physically be present at the mosque this year because of the contagion, but we hope they can join us in their homes by watching through the live feed,” said Omar Kiswani, the mosque’s director.“We are deeply pained the people can’t physically be present at the mosque this year because of the contagion, but we hope they can join us in their homes by watching through the live feed,” said Omar Kiswani, the mosque’s director.
Ronnie Ellenblum, a historical geographer at Hebrew University, said he believed that the last time Muslims were unable to access the mosque throughout Ramadan was when the crusaders controlled the site in the 1100s.Ronnie Ellenblum, a historical geographer at Hebrew University, said he believed that the last time Muslims were unable to access the mosque throughout Ramadan was when the crusaders controlled the site in the 1100s.
Al Aqsa is ordinarily a major point of gathering during Ramadan, which begins Friday, for Palestinians, Arab citizens of Israel and Muslim pilgrims from around the world. Jews also revere the compound as their holiest site and refer to it as the Temple Mount.Al Aqsa is ordinarily a major point of gathering during Ramadan, which begins Friday, for Palestinians, Arab citizens of Israel and Muslim pilgrims from around the world. Jews also revere the compound as their holiest site and refer to it as the Temple Mount.
Imam Kiswani said he and his colleagues would be praying for the doctors and medical teams treating coronavirus patients. “We hope this period will pass soon and we can reopen the mosque’s gates,” he said.Imam Kiswani said he and his colleagues would be praying for the doctors and medical teams treating coronavirus patients. “We hope this period will pass soon and we can reopen the mosque’s gates,” he said.
The coronavirus has stilled the anti-establishment protests that erupted around the world last year, bringing months of marches, rallies and riots to a halt.The coronavirus has stilled the anti-establishment protests that erupted around the world last year, bringing months of marches, rallies and riots to a halt.
How long the pandemic lasts, and how governments and activists respond, will determine whether the pause represents a moment of metamorphosis or an unceremonious end for some of the most widespread mass mobilizations in recent history.How long the pandemic lasts, and how governments and activists respond, will determine whether the pause represents a moment of metamorphosis or an unceremonious end for some of the most widespread mass mobilizations in recent history.
The challenges to protesters, in places as different as Hong Kong and Lebanon, are apparent. Millions of demonstrators are hunkered down at home, hemmed in by sweeping quarantines and health concerns. The daily burden of acquiring face masks or food often overshadows debates about corruption and abuse of power.The challenges to protesters, in places as different as Hong Kong and Lebanon, are apparent. Millions of demonstrators are hunkered down at home, hemmed in by sweeping quarantines and health concerns. The daily burden of acquiring face masks or food often overshadows debates about corruption and abuse of power.
Also, almost every government has restricted mass gatherings, ostensibly protecting public health but potentially also constraining future mobilization. Some have even used the outbreak to consolidate power or arrest opponents.Also, almost every government has restricted mass gatherings, ostensibly protecting public health but potentially also constraining future mobilization. Some have even used the outbreak to consolidate power or arrest opponents.
But the pandemic’s economic toll, as well as the crises of trust it has inspired in many governments, could fuel fresh outrage. People across the world — from Peru to France to the United States — have defied lockdown measures that they say threaten their jobs, housing and food supplies.But the pandemic’s economic toll, as well as the crises of trust it has inspired in many governments, could fuel fresh outrage. People across the world — from Peru to France to the United States — have defied lockdown measures that they say threaten their jobs, housing and food supplies.
Some protesters are also finding new ways to express their discontent. Chilean activists have projected images of crowds onto empty streets. And in Hong Kong, a union of medical workers, itself born out of the pro-democracy protests, went on strike to criticize the government’s outbreak response.Some protesters are also finding new ways to express their discontent. Chilean activists have projected images of crowds onto empty streets. And in Hong Kong, a union of medical workers, itself born out of the pro-democracy protests, went on strike to criticize the government’s outbreak response.
“It is a rest time,” said Isaac Cheng, a student leader of Demosisto, a prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy group, “but it’s definitely not the end of the movement.”“It is a rest time,” said Isaac Cheng, a student leader of Demosisto, a prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy group, “but it’s definitely not the end of the movement.”
Some countries have opted for a more hands-off approach to keep their populations at home to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Others have imposed strict measures to enforce lockdowns. Still others have imposed fines on people who flout the rules, and Romania is among them. Some countries have opted for a more hands-off approach to keep their populations at home to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Others have imposed strict measures to enforce lockdowns, fining people who flout the rules, and in this field, Romania is a leader.
Since March 24, authorities in the Eastern European country have issued almost 220,000 fines, worth approximately $95.5 million, according to official figures. Between March 24 and April 19, fines amounted to the equivalent of the country’s corporate profit tax for all of February, according to the local news media. Since March 24, Romanian authorities have issued almost 220,000 fines, worth about $95.5 million, according to official figures. Between March 24 and April 19, fines amounted to the equivalent of the country’s corporate profit tax for all of February, according to local news media.
Romanians are allowed out of their homes only for certain reasons, like buying necessities and going to work, and must present signed statements detailing their purpose and destinations to the police or the military when asked, along with their identification cards.Romanians are allowed out of their homes only for certain reasons, like buying necessities and going to work, and must present signed statements detailing their purpose and destinations to the police or the military when asked, along with their identification cards.
Those found without documentation or a valid reason can be fined up to 20,000 lei ($4,470), in a country where the average monthly salary is around 3,000 lei and the population is less than 20 million.Those found without documentation or a valid reason can be fined up to 20,000 lei ($4,470), in a country where the average monthly salary is around 3,000 lei and the population is less than 20 million.
By comparison, Britain, whose population is over three times that of Romania, had issued 3,500 fines as of April 19, with penalties from 30 pounds to 60 pounds ($37 to $74), according to the BBC. By comparison, Britain, with more than three times the population of Romania, had issued 3,500 fines as of April 19, with penalties from 30 pounds to 60 pounds ($37 to $74), according to the BBC.
Romania’s fines seem to be working. On Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis said that the authorities would begin easing movement restrictions from May 15. He added, however, that public events would remain banned and that masks would be required in enclosed public spaces and on public transit, potentially until next year. In the Canadian province of Ontario, which has some of the stiffest penalties in the West, people have been fined more than 2,000 Canadian dollars, about $1,420, for lingering too long in parks and then refusing to identify themselves to enforcement officers. People are allowed to walk or run through parks, but dozens have been fined 750 Canadian dollars for taking a break on a bench.
Romania declared a state of emergency on March 16, and as of Thursday afternoon had 10,096 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with 527 deaths. Romania’s fines seem to be working. On Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis said that the authorities would begin easing restrictions May 15. He added, however, that public events would remain banned and that masks would be required in enclosed public spaces and on public transit, potentially until next year.
Romania declared a state of emergency on March 16, and as of Thursday had 10,096 confirmed cases and 527 deaths.
With the number of reported coronavirus deaths in Italy surpassing 25,000 — the highest death toll in Europe — there is a growing call in the country to hold someone accountable, with some prosecutors considering manslaughter charges against directors of a nursing home where residents died of the coronavirus.With the number of reported coronavirus deaths in Italy surpassing 25,000 — the highest death toll in Europe — there is a growing call in the country to hold someone accountable, with some prosecutors considering manslaughter charges against directors of a nursing home where residents died of the coronavirus.
Prosecutors are investigating whether errors by the authorities contributed to or caused some of Italy’s deadliest clusters. Liberal members of Parliament have accused the conservative government in the Lombardy region of exacerbating the outbreak.Prosecutors are investigating whether errors by the authorities contributed to or caused some of Italy’s deadliest clusters. Liberal members of Parliament have accused the conservative government in the Lombardy region of exacerbating the outbreak.
About 45,000 relatives of coronavirus victims have joined a Facebook group called “NOI denunceremo” (We Will Denounce You), composed of people who believe that not enough was done to save their family members.About 45,000 relatives of coronavirus victims have joined a Facebook group called “NOI denunceremo” (We Will Denounce You), composed of people who believe that not enough was done to save their family members.
One member, Laura Capelli, said doctors in a town near Bergamo, the area of the country hit hardest by the coronavirus, told her that they had sedated her uncle because he had kept clawing at his mask. He died soon after.One member, Laura Capelli, said doctors in a town near Bergamo, the area of the country hit hardest by the coronavirus, told her that they had sedated her uncle because he had kept clawing at his mask. He died soon after.
But when another doctor at the Ponte San Pietro Hospital told her that the choice to sedate her father had been motivated by a need to make room for younger patients, Ms. Capelli joined the Facebook group.But when another doctor at the Ponte San Pietro Hospital told her that the choice to sedate her father had been motivated by a need to make room for younger patients, Ms. Capelli joined the Facebook group.
“I have the impression they are trying to silence everything,” Ms. Capelli, 48, said on Thursday. “Now it’s a moment of common pain, but for the future, I want justice.”“I have the impression they are trying to silence everything,” Ms. Capelli, 48, said on Thursday. “Now it’s a moment of common pain, but for the future, I want justice.”
Prosecutors are investigating what they call an “involuntary epidemic” at the Alzano hospital, near Bergamo, where the virus spread through the medical wards. They are also considering manslaughter charges against the directors of retirement homes where hundreds of residents died and where the full death toll may have been hidden.Prosecutors are investigating what they call an “involuntary epidemic” at the Alzano hospital, near Bergamo, where the virus spread through the medical wards. They are also considering manslaughter charges against the directors of retirement homes where hundreds of residents died and where the full death toll may have been hidden.
Yet many in the country continue to honor health care workers, and not everyone is backing the prosecutorial shift. A 24-year-old nurse wrote a letter in La Repubblica newspaper in response to the criticism heaped on the authorities in Lombardy. She said that in the months she spent in a Covid-19 ward, she had learned the value of sacrifice, of waiting and of forgiving.Yet many in the country continue to honor health care workers, and not everyone is backing the prosecutorial shift. A 24-year-old nurse wrote a letter in La Repubblica newspaper in response to the criticism heaped on the authorities in Lombardy. She said that in the months she spent in a Covid-19 ward, she had learned the value of sacrifice, of waiting and of forgiving.
European Union leaders meeting on Thursday via teleconference to debate a joint response to the economic disaster that the coronavirus is bringing to the continent are set to hand the European Commission the task of drafting a proposal for a recovery fund.
But details of that fund — its size, its timing, the types of measures it will support — are contentious, and the meeting is unlikely to yield agreement, senior European Union officials and member-state diplomats said.
Just as the bloc seems set to lose as much as 10 percent of its economic output this year in the worst recession outside wartime, Thursday’s meeting will also make clear that leaders differ widely on how to tackle the crisis.
Southern European countries led by Italy and Spain, which have been worst hit by the virus, are calling for a fund of more than one trillion euros ($1.08 trillion) that will be able to extend grants rather than interest-bearing loans for nations’ recovery efforts.
But the idea of grants, seen as free money, does not appeal to wealthier northern European countries that have both more money to spend on their own recoveries and fewer deaths to contend with at home.
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Thursday supported the idea of using the European Union budget as a framework for a recovery fund, and said that her country, the continent’s wealthiest, was prepared to increase its contribution to bolster the recovery effort.
Instead, the meeting will at best give the European Commission, the European Union’s executive branch, a mandate to draft a proposal on how to use the bloc’s seven-year budget to create a pot of money for recovery efforts.
Critics say this will still be too little too late. The bloc’s budget has long been seen as an unambitious and limited instrument, amounting to 1 percent of the member nations’ collective economic output.
A nurse who cared for Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain while he was in intensive care for the coronavirus at a London hospital said that she wasn’t fazed by looking after the country’s leader and that he did not get special treatment.A nurse who cared for Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain while he was in intensive care for the coronavirus at a London hospital said that she wasn’t fazed by looking after the country’s leader and that he did not get special treatment.
Mr. Johnson was “just another patient,” the nurse, Jenny McGee, told Television New Zealand on Thursday, adding that she had not expected to be singled out by him on national television.Mr. Johnson was “just another patient,” the nurse, Jenny McGee, told Television New Zealand on Thursday, adding that she had not expected to be singled out by him on national television.
“My first reaction was that it was a joke,” said Ms. McGee, a New Zealand native. “It was totally out of the blue.”“My first reaction was that it was a joke,” said Ms. McGee, a New Zealand native. “It was totally out of the blue.”
In thanking the medical workers who cared for him during his illness, after he was discharged from hospital this month, Mr. Johnson named Ms. McGee and a colleague, Luis Pitarma, a nurse from Portugal, who he said had kept watch over him for 48 hours “when things could have gone either way.”In thanking the medical workers who cared for him during his illness, after he was discharged from hospital this month, Mr. Johnson named Ms. McGee and a colleague, Luis Pitarma, a nurse from Portugal, who he said had kept watch over him for 48 hours “when things could have gone either way.”
Ms. McGee said the prime minister “absolutely needed to be” in intensive care because of the seriousness of his illness. Mr. Johnson is recuperating at Chequers, the official country house of Britain’s prime ministers.Ms. McGee said the prime minister “absolutely needed to be” in intensive care because of the seriousness of his illness. Mr. Johnson is recuperating at Chequers, the official country house of Britain’s prime ministers.
As the country weighs when and how to ease its lockdown, Prof. Chris Whitty, the senior medical adviser to the government, said on Wednesday that restrictions could be in place for a year. He said social distancing measures would have to remain in place until a vaccine or effective drugs to treat the coronavirus and keep people from dying were available.As the country weighs when and how to ease its lockdown, Prof. Chris Whitty, the senior medical adviser to the government, said on Wednesday that restrictions could be in place for a year. He said social distancing measures would have to remain in place until a vaccine or effective drugs to treat the coronavirus and keep people from dying were available.
“The probability of having those anytime in the next calendar year,” he said, is “incredibly small.”“The probability of having those anytime in the next calendar year,” he said, is “incredibly small.”
On Thursday, scientists in Britain began human trials to find a working vaccine. More than 18,700 people have died in the country after testing positive for the coronavirus, according to official figures.On Thursday, scientists in Britain began human trials to find a working vaccine. More than 18,700 people have died in the country after testing positive for the coronavirus, according to official figures.
A mentally ill former soldier has been gunned down at a quarantine checkpoint in the Philippines after an altercation with police officers, officials said on Thursday.A mentally ill former soldier has been gunned down at a quarantine checkpoint in the Philippines after an altercation with police officers, officials said on Thursday.
The shooting, on Tuesday, came just over three weeks after President Rodrigo Duterte ordered police officers at quarantine checkpoints to shoot dead anyone who resisted. A local human rights group, Karapatan, denounced the shooting as an “alarming and deplorable act of state violence that should be strongly condemned.”The shooting, on Tuesday, came just over three weeks after President Rodrigo Duterte ordered police officers at quarantine checkpoints to shoot dead anyone who resisted. A local human rights group, Karapatan, denounced the shooting as an “alarming and deplorable act of state violence that should be strongly condemned.”
The Army veteran, identified as Winston Ragos, 34, was shot and killed in Quezon City, north of the capital, Manila. A video of the episode that has widely circulated in the country showed five police officers rushing to a store and one of them drawing a gun and shooting Mr. Ragos twice.The Army veteran, identified as Winston Ragos, 34, was shot and killed in Quezon City, north of the capital, Manila. A video of the episode that has widely circulated in the country showed five police officers rushing to a store and one of them drawing a gun and shooting Mr. Ragos twice.
In a report on the shooting, the Philippine National Police said that Mr. Ragos had been holding a bag that contained a handgun. That account was disputed by his relatives.In a report on the shooting, the Philippine National Police said that Mr. Ragos had been holding a bag that contained a handgun. That account was disputed by his relatives.
Col. Ramon Zagala, an army spokesman, said in an interview on Thursday that the force was saddened by the incident and had ordered an investigation.Col. Ramon Zagala, an army spokesman, said in an interview on Thursday that the force was saddened by the incident and had ordered an investigation.
“The victim was mentally troubled, and while he is no longer with the force, people need to realize that he may be battling a lifelong and silent battle with his own demons,” Colonel Zagala said.“The victim was mentally troubled, and while he is no longer with the force, people need to realize that he may be battling a lifelong and silent battle with his own demons,” Colonel Zagala said.
He said Mr. Ragos had been discharged from the army in 2017 after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.He said Mr. Ragos had been discharged from the army in 2017 after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Clerics and governments across the Muslim world will greet the holy month of Ramadan this week under lockdown, with mosques shut and worshipers urged to pray at home. But in Pakistan, some of the most prominent imams have rallied their devotees to ignore the anti-pandemic measures.Clerics and governments across the Muslim world will greet the holy month of Ramadan this week under lockdown, with mosques shut and worshipers urged to pray at home. But in Pakistan, some of the most prominent imams have rallied their devotees to ignore the anti-pandemic measures.
Most clerics complied with the government’s announcement of a lockdown late last month, keeping people at home to avoid spreading the coronavirus. But some of the most influential imams called on worshipers to attend Friday Prayer in even greater numbers. Devotees attacked police officers who tried to get in their way.Most clerics complied with the government’s announcement of a lockdown late last month, keeping people at home to avoid spreading the coronavirus. But some of the most influential imams called on worshipers to attend Friday Prayer in even greater numbers. Devotees attacked police officers who tried to get in their way.
As Ramadan draws closer, dozens of well-known clerics and leaders of religious parties — including some who initially obeyed the lockdown orders — have signed a letter demanding that the government exempt mosques from the shutdown during the holy month or invite the wrath of God and the faithful.As Ramadan draws closer, dozens of well-known clerics and leaders of religious parties — including some who initially obeyed the lockdown orders — have signed a letter demanding that the government exempt mosques from the shutdown during the holy month or invite the wrath of God and the faithful.
On Saturday, the government gave in, signing an agreement that let mosques stay open for Ramadan as long as they followed 20 rules, including forcing congregants to maintain a six-foot distance, bring their own prayer mats and perform their ablutions at home. Prime Minister Imran Khan met on Monday with the clerics, who vowed to abide by the deal.On Saturday, the government gave in, signing an agreement that let mosques stay open for Ramadan as long as they followed 20 rules, including forcing congregants to maintain a six-foot distance, bring their own prayer mats and perform their ablutions at home. Prime Minister Imran Khan met on Monday with the clerics, who vowed to abide by the deal.
“It is very difficult for the state to implement what’s best for the public good,” said Husnul Amin, an Islamabad-based scholar on Islam and politics. “The larger public interest is always up against the clerics. It’s completely undemocratic.”“It is very difficult for the state to implement what’s best for the public good,” said Husnul Amin, an Islamabad-based scholar on Islam and politics. “The larger public interest is always up against the clerics. It’s completely undemocratic.”
Even the country’s security forces, which empowered the clerical establishment in the 1980s in an effort to churn out jihadists to fight the Soviet military next door in Afghanistan, seemed unable to counter the imams.Even the country’s security forces, which empowered the clerical establishment in the 1980s in an effort to churn out jihadists to fight the Soviet military next door in Afghanistan, seemed unable to counter the imams.
In Karachi, the largest city, scenes emerged of worshipers chasing the police through narrow alleyways, pelting them with rocks and sending several officers to the hospital.In Karachi, the largest city, scenes emerged of worshipers chasing the police through narrow alleyways, pelting them with rocks and sending several officers to the hospital.
“The military has created a monster they can no longer control,” Mr. Amin said.“The military has created a monster they can no longer control,” Mr. Amin said.
While clerics acknowledge that their mosques are perfect vectors for the coronavirus’s spread, some said they had to protect their bottom line.While clerics acknowledge that their mosques are perfect vectors for the coronavirus’s spread, some said they had to protect their bottom line.
“We know the coronavirus pandemic is a global health issue, but religious duties cannot be abandoned,” said Maulana Ataullah Hazravi, a Karachi-based cleric. Besides, he added, “mosques depend largely on the donations collected during Ramadan.”“We know the coronavirus pandemic is a global health issue, but religious duties cannot be abandoned,” said Maulana Ataullah Hazravi, a Karachi-based cleric. Besides, he added, “mosques depend largely on the donations collected during Ramadan.”
A citizen journalist who disappeared in February after documenting the outbreak in Wuhan, China, said in a YouTube video that he had been released after a period of forced quarantine.A citizen journalist who disappeared in February after documenting the outbreak in Wuhan, China, said in a YouTube video that he had been released after a period of forced quarantine.
The journalist, Li Zehua, spent weeks interviewing stranded migrant workers and overburdened crematory employees — an attempt to show the toll that the outbreak was taking on the city where it began.The journalist, Li Zehua, spent weeks interviewing stranded migrant workers and overburdened crematory employees — an attempt to show the toll that the outbreak was taking on the city where it began.
But until his latest video surfaced on Wednesday evening, he had not spoken publicly since Feb. 26, when he streamed footage of men entering his apartment.But until his latest video surfaced on Wednesday evening, he had not spoken publicly since Feb. 26, when he streamed footage of men entering his apartment.
In the video, Mr. Li, 25, described being chased by a white S.U.V. that night and hiding in his apartment in the dark. He said that men who identified themselves as security officials eventually took him to a police station for interrogation.In the video, Mr. Li, 25, described being chased by a white S.U.V. that night and hiding in his apartment in the dark. He said that men who identified themselves as security officials eventually took him to a police station for interrogation.
The authorities later said that they had decided not to investigate him, but that he needed to be quarantined because he had visited “sensitive areas,” Mr. Li said in the video.The authorities later said that they had decided not to investigate him, but that he needed to be quarantined because he had visited “sensitive areas,” Mr. Li said in the video.
Mr. Li, who became a citizen journalist after a brief career as a host on state-run television, said he was quarantined from late February until mid-March at a Wuhan hotel. He was given regular meals and allowed to watch state-run television, he said, then driven to his hometown and ordered to quarantine for another two weeks.Mr. Li, who became a citizen journalist after a brief career as a host on state-run television, said he was quarantined from late February until mid-March at a Wuhan hotel. He was given regular meals and allowed to watch state-run television, he said, then driven to his hometown and ordered to quarantine for another two weeks.
In previous videos, Mr. Li had urged other Chinese young people to “stand up” and said he was no longer willing to “shut my eyes.” But in his latest one, he did not criticize the government.In previous videos, Mr. Li had urged other Chinese young people to “stand up” and said he was no longer willing to “shut my eyes.” But in his latest one, he did not criticize the government.
Calmly, and almost without emotion, he said that the police had treated him well.Calmly, and almost without emotion, he said that the police had treated him well.
Mr. Li’s disappearance followed those of two other citizen journalists, Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin, who had also filmed scenes of illness and death in Wuhan. Neither has reappeared.Mr. Li’s disappearance followed those of two other citizen journalists, Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin, who had also filmed scenes of illness and death in Wuhan. Neither has reappeared.
President Trump said that he disagreed “strongly” with the Georgia governor’s decision to allow barbershops, nail salons and other businesses in the state to reopen this week.President Trump said that he disagreed “strongly” with the Georgia governor’s decision to allow barbershops, nail salons and other businesses in the state to reopen this week.
Mr. Trump also said that the coronavirus “won’t be coming back in the form that it was” this fall or winter, then mused that it might not come back at all. But the government scientists flanking him at the White House news briefing explicitly disagreed with his predictions.Mr. Trump also said that the coronavirus “won’t be coming back in the form that it was” this fall or winter, then mused that it might not come back at all. But the government scientists flanking him at the White House news briefing explicitly disagreed with his predictions.
Here’s what else is happening in the U.S.:Here’s what else is happening in the U.S.:
More than 4 million more people were added to the country’s jobless numbers on Thursday, as the tally of confirmed cases surpassed 830,000, the highest of any country in the world.More than 4 million more people were added to the country’s jobless numbers on Thursday, as the tally of confirmed cases surpassed 830,000, the highest of any country in the world.
Rick Bright, the doctor who led the federal agency involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, said that he had been removed from his post. Dr. Bright, who had pressed for rigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug embraced by Mr. Trump as a coronavirus treatment, accused the administration of putting “politics and cronyism ahead of science.”Rick Bright, the doctor who led the federal agency involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, said that he had been removed from his post. Dr. Bright, who had pressed for rigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug embraced by Mr. Trump as a coronavirus treatment, accused the administration of putting “politics and cronyism ahead of science.”
Mr. Trump signed an executive order imposing a 60-day halt in issuing green cards with numerous exemptions, including those for overseas spouses, guest workers and young children of American citizens.Mr. Trump signed an executive order imposing a 60-day halt in issuing green cards with numerous exemptions, including those for overseas spouses, guest workers and young children of American citizens.
The Education Department will prohibit colleges from granting emergency assistance to undocumented students, even those under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.The Education Department will prohibit colleges from granting emergency assistance to undocumented students, even those under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.
Sightings of the actor Matt Damon have become common in recent weeks in Dalkey, a seaside resort town southeast of Dublin, where his presence has added a surreal layer to life under lockdown.Sightings of the actor Matt Damon have become common in recent weeks in Dalkey, a seaside resort town southeast of Dublin, where his presence has added a surreal layer to life under lockdown.
It’s not just that one of the world’s biggest stars and his family must stay within two kilometers (about 1.2 miles) of home. It’s that the actor — who played a father trying to protect his family amid a sprawling pandemic in the movie “Contagion” — is now living through an eerily similar reality.It’s not just that one of the world’s biggest stars and his family must stay within two kilometers (about 1.2 miles) of home. It’s that the actor — who played a father trying to protect his family amid a sprawling pandemic in the movie “Contagion” — is now living through an eerily similar reality.
Mr. Damon arrived in Dalkey in mid-March to shoot a film with the director Ridley Scott. Production has since been suspended, and a photo of him at the beach — with a bag from a grocery store — led to delighted memes and glowing articles in the Irish press.Mr. Damon arrived in Dalkey in mid-March to shoot a film with the director Ridley Scott. Production has since been suspended, and a photo of him at the beach — with a bag from a grocery store — led to delighted memes and glowing articles in the Irish press.
Mr. Damon’s new admirers are apparently also his protectors. That was clear to a New York Times reporter who requested anecdotes via the town’s unofficial Facebook page.Mr. Damon’s new admirers are apparently also his protectors. That was clear to a New York Times reporter who requested anecdotes via the town’s unofficial Facebook page.
“Leave him be!” was a common theme, presented around 100 different ways.“Leave him be!” was a common theme, presented around 100 different ways.
“Love love the fact that everybody is looking to protect him like our own,” Cjhelle Griffiths wrote in one post.“Love love the fact that everybody is looking to protect him like our own,” Cjhelle Griffiths wrote in one post.
Joseph Feingold, a Holocaust survivor who found unexpected fame late in life as the co-star of “Joe’s Violin,” an Oscar-nominated short documentary, died on April 15 in New York City of coronavirus complications. He was 97.Joseph Feingold, a Holocaust survivor who found unexpected fame late in life as the co-star of “Joe’s Violin,” an Oscar-nominated short documentary, died on April 15 in New York City of coronavirus complications. He was 97.
Born in Warsaw in 1923, Joseph Feingold was 17 when the Nazis invaded Poland. He and his father, a shoemaker, were caught by the Russian army while fleeing to Poland’s Russian-occupied east, and sent to separate labor camps in Siberia. His mother and a younger brother both stayed behind and died in concentration camps.Born in Warsaw in 1923, Joseph Feingold was 17 when the Nazis invaded Poland. He and his father, a shoemaker, were caught by the Russian army while fleeing to Poland’s Russian-occupied east, and sent to separate labor camps in Siberia. His mother and a younger brother both stayed behind and died in concentration camps.
While he was at a displaced person’s camp near Frankfurt, Germany, Mr. Feingold spotted a violin at a flea market and traded cigarettes for it. He later brought it with him when he emigrated to New York.While he was at a displaced person’s camp near Frankfurt, Germany, Mr. Feingold spotted a violin at a flea market and traded cigarettes for it. He later brought it with him when he emigrated to New York.
Here are four others the world has lost to Covid-19:Here are four others the world has lost to Covid-19:
Ketty Herawati Sultana, 60, a senior doctor at Medistra Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, who treated anyone without regard for her own welfare.Ketty Herawati Sultana, 60, a senior doctor at Medistra Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, who treated anyone without regard for her own welfare.
Liu Ouqing, 78, a former party secretary of the Wuhan Grain Bureau, who helped ensure that the Chinese city had enough to eat.Liu Ouqing, 78, a former party secretary of the Wuhan Grain Bureau, who helped ensure that the Chinese city had enough to eat.
Heherson Alvarez, 80, an activist who helped lead a campaign against the brutal regime of the Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos and went on to serve in the national Legislature.Heherson Alvarez, 80, an activist who helped lead a campaign against the brutal regime of the Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos and went on to serve in the national Legislature.
Reporting was contributed by Richard Pérez-Peña, Karen Zraick, Adam Rasgon, Kit Gillet, Abdi Latif Dahir, Emma Bubola, Katrin Bennhold, Austin Ramzy, Melissa Eddy, Megan Specia, Iliana Magra, Jason Gutierrez, Paul Mozur, Heather Murphy, Maria Abi-Habib, Vivian Yee, Jason Gutierrez, Raphael Minder, Steven Kurutz, Dan Levin, Vivian Wang, Ron DePasquale, Katrin Bennhold, Steven Kurutz, Derrick Bryson Taylor, Stanley Reed, Richard C. Paddock and Muktita Suhartono. Albee Zhang and Wang Yiwei contributed research. Reporting was contributed by Matina Stevis-Gridneff, Mark Landler, Stephen Castle, Ian Austen, Richard Pérez-Peña, Karen Zraick, Adam Rasgon, Kit Gillet, Abdi Latif Dahir, Emma Bubola, Katrin Bennhold, Austin Ramzy, Melissa Eddy, Megan Specia, Iliana Magra, Jason Gutierrez, Paul Mozur, Heather Murphy, Maria Abi-Habib, Vivian Yee, Jason Gutierrez, Raphael Minder, Steven Kurutz, Dan Levin, Vivian Wang, Ron DePasquale, Katrin Bennhold, Steven Kurutz, Derrick Bryson Taylor, Stanley Reed, Richard C. Paddock and Muktita Suhartono. Albee Zhang and Wang Yiwei contributed research.