Marker pen job advert on Porsche

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A Bristol man has taken a black marker pen to his white £40,000 Porsche in an attempt to get a new job.

After Andrew Blair was made redundant from his construction manager's job in Dubai he came up with the plan to advertise himself for work.

The 28-year-old wrote his name, job title and contact details on the back of his Porsche Boxster.

"At end of day if I don't have a job I can't afford the car, simple as that," said Mr Blair.

If the ploy fails, Mr Blair said a re-spray of his bumper will cost £400 or £500.

"Initially we were in a bubble here in Dubai thinking we were immune from the credit crunch and really being arrogant about it," said Mr Blair who moved from the Clifton area of the city to Dubai two years ago.

"It's desperate times so sometimes it takes a new approach," he added.