'Work goes on' to better Scotland


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The Scottish Executive must use every minute of legislative time to improve Scotland within the union, the first minister has said.

In his New Year message, Jack McConnell stressed that nearly 10 years after the devolution referendum efforts could not let up to bring about change.

He pledged to improve school meals, address prisoner release conditions and boost Scotland's standing abroad.

But the SNP said giving more powers to Holyrood would save millions of pounds.

Mr McConnell said: "Devolution has given us the best of both worlds - with a union dividend through membership of the United Kingdom and the added value of using the powers of the Scottish Parliament to make Scotland a better place."

The pace of our programme will not let up until the gavel falls on the final day of this parliament Jack McConnellFirst Minister

He claimed improvements in the economy, the health service and in education could be built on throughout the year ahead and warned that the May election should not hinder these efforts.

He said: "We are delivering on commitments we made in 2003 to the people of Scotland to make their lives and their country better.

"And the pace of our programme will not let up until the gavel falls on the final day of this parliament."

The key issues to tackle throughout 2007 were laid out as pressing policy pledges, Scotland's promotion abroad and securing the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Scotland's standing

"We will improve the nutritional standards of the food in our schools," he said.

"We will end the system that allows prisoners to be automatically released without any conditions being attached.

"We will change the law to make it fairer for those victims of asbestos-related disease and their families.

It's time to get rid of the unnecessary overlap and give the Scottish Parliament full responsibility for decisions currently taken in London Alex SalmondSNP leader

"And we will improve opportunities in our schools to even higher levels."

The Year of Highland Culture, the attractiveness of the country to inward investment and the November vote on the Commonwealth Games were all put forward as opportunities to increase Scotland's standing.

"If we stick together in 2007 we can win," he added.

However, SNP leader Alex Salmond claimed the taxpayer could save £22m a year if current powers were transferred from Westminster to Holyrood.

The party estimated this was the total bill for Scotland's MPs and Lords - once pay, expenses and office costs were taken into account.

Mr Salmond said: "It's time we stopped wasting our money on Westminster.

"At the moment Scots spend £22m on the British Parliament when the Scottish Parliament is more than capable of doing a full job of work.

"It's time to get rid of the unnecessary overlap and give the Scottish Parliament full responsibility for decisions currently taken in London."