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Trump impeachment live updates: President celebrates Senate acquittal at the White House, expresses no contrition and calls Democratic leaders ‘vicious and mean’ Trump impeachment live updates: President celebrates Senate acquittal at the White House, expresses no contrition and calls Democratic leaders ‘vicious and mean’
(32 minutes later)
President Trump celebrated his Senate acquittal Thursday at a White House event that stretched more than an hour, expressing no contrition and calling Democratic leaders “vicious and mean” while portraying his impeachment as the continuation of scrutiny he has faced since he announced his run for the presidency in 2015.President Trump celebrated his Senate acquittal Thursday at a White House event that stretched more than an hour, expressing no contrition and calling Democratic leaders “vicious and mean” while portraying his impeachment as the continuation of scrutiny he has faced since he announced his run for the presidency in 2015.
“We've been going through this now for almost three years. It was evil, it was corrupt,” he told a packed East Room crowd. Trump expressed no remorse related to the allegation that he inappropriately pressured the leader of Ukraine to investigate his political rivals despite some Republican senators calling his actions wrong.“We've been going through this now for almost three years. It was evil, it was corrupt,” he told a packed East Room crowd. Trump expressed no remorse related to the allegation that he inappropriately pressured the leader of Ukraine to investigate his political rivals despite some Republican senators calling his actions wrong.
“This is a day of celebration because we went through hell,” he said.“This is a day of celebration because we went through hell,” he said.
Shortly before he spoke, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) chided Trump for his comments lashing out at Democrats and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) at the bipartisan, multifaith National Prayer Breakfast. Romney was the only Republican to vote for Trump’s conviction.Shortly before he spoke, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) chided Trump for his comments lashing out at Democrats and Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) at the bipartisan, multifaith National Prayer Breakfast. Romney was the only Republican to vote for Trump’s conviction.
●In historic vote, Trump acquitted of impeachment charges.●In historic vote, Trump acquitted of impeachment charges.
●Pelosi laces into Trump, defends tearing up his State of the Union speech●Pelosi laces into Trump, defends tearing up his State of the Union speech
●Trump appears to swipe at Romney and Pelosi at the National Prayer Breakfast.●Trump appears to swipe at Romney and Pelosi at the National Prayer Breakfast.
How the Senate voted|Key documents from the impeachment process| The full Trump-Ukraine timelineHow the Senate voted|Key documents from the impeachment process| The full Trump-Ukraine timeline
The Democratic-led House immediately rejected a Republican resolution disapproving of Pelosi’s tearing up a copy of the State of the Union speech.
The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Kay Granger (R-Tex.), charged that the “conduct of Speaker Pelosi was a breach of decorum and degraded the proceedings of the joint session, to the discredit of the House.”
The House tabled it on a 224-193 vote.
Granger had called for Trump to remove himself from the election in 2016 after news broke of the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, but like most Republicans, she quickly fell in line.
Granger is now facing a primary challenge from the right. She needs Trump’s support in her campaign; he endorsed her on Twitter in December.
Trump wrapped up remarks that extended more than an hour by thanking his family for sticking by him.Trump wrapped up remarks that extended more than an hour by thanking his family for sticking by him.
“I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people,” he said. “This was not part of the deal. ... But they stuck with me. And I’m so glad I did it because we are making progress and doing things for our great people that everybody said couldn’t be done. Our country is thriving. Our country is just respected again. And it’s an honor to be with the people in this room.’“I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people,” he said. “This was not part of the deal. ... But they stuck with me. And I’m so glad I did it because we are making progress and doing things for our great people that everybody said couldn’t be done. Our country is thriving. Our country is just respected again. And it’s an honor to be with the people in this room.’
Trump and the first lady left to the sounds of “God Bless America.”Trump and the first lady left to the sounds of “God Bless America.”
Trump mentioned former FBI director James B. Comey at both the beginning and end of his speech, arguing that “it’s possible I wouldn’t even be standing here right now” had he not fired him.Trump mentioned former FBI director James B. Comey at both the beginning and end of his speech, arguing that “it’s possible I wouldn’t even be standing here right now” had he not fired him.
Trump fired Comey in May 2017, citing concerns about the way he handled the investigation in Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server while secretary of state. Trump later suggested that the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election was a factor, although he has also backtracked on that claim.Trump fired Comey in May 2017, citing concerns about the way he handled the investigation in Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server while secretary of state. Trump later suggested that the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election was a factor, although he has also backtracked on that claim.
In his remarks Thursday, Trump took aim at Comey and others within the federal law enforcement community as “dirty cops” and “bad people.”In his remarks Thursday, Trump took aim at Comey and others within the federal law enforcement community as “dirty cops” and “bad people.”
“If I didn’t fire James Comey, we would’ve never found this stuff, because when I fired that sleazebag, all hell broke out,” Trump said. “They were ratting on each other. They were running for the hills.”“If I didn’t fire James Comey, we would’ve never found this stuff, because when I fired that sleazebag, all hell broke out,” Trump said. “They were ratting on each other. They were running for the hills.”
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), a onetime moderate who emerged as one of Trump’s fiercest defenders during the House impeachment trial, received a special mention from the president during his remarks Thursday.Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), a onetime moderate who emerged as one of Trump’s fiercest defenders during the House impeachment trial, received a special mention from the president during his remarks Thursday.
Upon initially hearing of Stefanik, Trump said his first thought was, “She looks like good talent.”Upon initially hearing of Stefanik, Trump said his first thought was, “She looks like good talent.”
“But did I not realize that when she opens that mouth, you were killing them, Elise!” Trump added, drawing some laughs from the crowd. “You were killing them.”“But did I not realize that when she opens that mouth, you were killing them, Elise!” Trump added, drawing some laughs from the crowd. “You were killing them.”
He added that “people from all over the country are contributing to her campaign.”He added that “people from all over the country are contributing to her campaign.”
“I’ll always be your friend,” Trump told Stefanik. “I think it’s really an amazing story. What a great future you have; what a great future. Thank you. The first lady agrees.”“I’ll always be your friend,” Trump told Stefanik. “I think it’s really an amazing story. What a great future you have; what a great future. Thank you. The first lady agrees.”
As he continued to praise allies in the crowd, Trump spoke at length about the shootings at a congressional baseball practice in 2017 that nearly took the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).As he continued to praise allies in the crowd, Trump spoke at length about the shootings at a congressional baseball practice in 2017 that nearly took the life of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).
“He got whacked. He got whacked. My Steve, right?” Trump said. “I think you set a record for blood loss.”“He got whacked. He got whacked. My Steve, right?” Trump said. “I think you set a record for blood loss.”
Trump recalled going with first lady Melania Trump to see Scalise in the hospital and encountering Scalise’s wife.Trump recalled going with first lady Melania Trump to see Scalise in the hospital and encountering Scalise’s wife.
“I went to the hospital with our great first lady that night. Right, honey?” Trump said. “And we saw a man that was not going to make it. He was not going to make it.”“I went to the hospital with our great first lady that night. Right, honey?” Trump said. “And we saw a man that was not going to make it. He was not going to make it.”
Scalise’s wife was “devastated, Trump said, adding: “A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn.”Scalise’s wife was “devastated, Trump said, adding: “A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn.”
Trump said that at least in one respect Scalise was better off now.Trump said that at least in one respect Scalise was better off now.
“You’re more handsome now,” Trump said. “You weren’t that good looking. You look good now. He looks better now. Can you believe it?”“You’re more handsome now,” Trump said. “You weren’t that good looking. You look good now. He looks better now. Can you believe it?”
As his remarks continued, Trump raised the possibility that he could be impeached again by Democrats and equated his conduct toward Ukraine with jaywalking.As his remarks continued, Trump raised the possibility that he could be impeached again by Democrats and equated his conduct toward Ukraine with jaywalking.
“Because if they find that I happen to walk across the street and maybe go against the light or something, let’s impeach him,” Trump said. “So we’ll probably have to do it again, because these people have gone stone cold crazy. But I’ve beaten them all my life, and I’ll beat them again if I have to. But what they’re doing is very unfair, very unfair.”“Because if they find that I happen to walk across the street and maybe go against the light or something, let’s impeach him,” Trump said. “So we’ll probably have to do it again, because these people have gone stone cold crazy. But I’ve beaten them all my life, and I’ll beat them again if I have to. But what they’re doing is very unfair, very unfair.”
Moments before, Trump predicted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) would become speaker of the House as a result of his impeachment — a scenario that would diminish Trump’s prospects of getting impeached a second time.Moments before, Trump predicted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) would become speaker of the House as a result of his impeachment — a scenario that would diminish Trump’s prospects of getting impeached a second time.
“I will say that you’re going to be speaker of the House because of this impeachment,” Trump said to McCarthy, one of the many congressional Republicans at the event. “And I’m going to work hard on it.”“I will say that you’re going to be speaker of the House because of this impeachment,” Trump said to McCarthy, one of the many congressional Republicans at the event. “And I’m going to work hard on it.”
Trump at one point took aim at Hunter Biden, the son of former vice president Biden, without naming him. Hunter Biden has been a frequent target for Trump and Republicans, and two GOP senators – Charles E. Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wis.) – on Wednesday announced they would begin investigating the younger Biden, just as Trump had wanted Ukraine to do.Trump at one point took aim at Hunter Biden, the son of former vice president Biden, without naming him. Hunter Biden has been a frequent target for Trump and Republicans, and two GOP senators – Charles E. Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wis.) – on Wednesday announced they would begin investigating the younger Biden, just as Trump had wanted Ukraine to do.
Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, while his father was vice president.Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, while his father was vice president.
On Thursday, Trump described Hunter Biden as “a son that made no money, that got thrown out of the military.” He then launched into an attack on the younger Biden’s business activities in Ukraine, China and elsewhere, accusing Democrats of turning a blind eye to his actions.On Thursday, Trump described Hunter Biden as “a son that made no money, that got thrown out of the military.” He then launched into an attack on the younger Biden’s business activities in Ukraine, China and elsewhere, accusing Democrats of turning a blind eye to his actions.
“They think that’s okay, because if it is – is Ivanka in the audience? Is Ivanka here? – boy, my kids could make a fortune. They could make a fortune. It’s corrupt,” Trump said.“They think that’s okay, because if it is – is Ivanka in the audience? Is Ivanka here? – boy, my kids could make a fortune. They could make a fortune. It’s corrupt,” Trump said.
Trump and Republicans have repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that there was something nefarious in the Bidens’ dealings with Ukraine.Trump and Republicans have repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that there was something nefarious in the Bidens’ dealings with Ukraine.
Trump turned his fire on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), the lead House impeachment manager, and Pelosi as he continued his remarks.Trump turned his fire on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), the lead House impeachment manager, and Pelosi as he continued his remarks.
“They’re vicious and mean, vicious,” Trump said. “These people are vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person.”“They’re vicious and mean, vicious,” Trump said. “These people are vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person.”
Trump also again raised doubts about whether Pelosi is sincere when she says she prays for him.Trump also again raised doubts about whether Pelosi is sincere when she says she prays for him.
“She may pray, but she prays for the opposite,” Trump said. “But, I doubt she prays at all.”“She may pray, but she prays for the opposite,” Trump said. “But, I doubt she prays at all.”
Trump prised several Republican lawmakers Thursday afternoon. He paid particular attention to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who led the push in the Senate for his acquittal and has also shepherded a record number of judicial confirmations through the chamber. Trump praised several Republican lawmakers Thursday afternoon. He paid particular attention to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who led the push in the Senate for his acquittal and has also shepherded a record number of judicial confirmations through the chamber.
“Mitch, he stayed there right from the beginning,” Trump said. “He never changed. And Mitch McConnell, I want to tell you, you did a fantastic job. … He understood this was crooked politics. This was crooked politics.”“Mitch, he stayed there right from the beginning,” Trump said. “He never changed. And Mitch McConnell, I want to tell you, you did a fantastic job. … He understood this was crooked politics. This was crooked politics.”
Trump later reprised his attacks on Romney, accusing the senator – at first, without naming him – of using “religion as a crutch.”Trump later reprised his attacks on Romney, accusing the senator – at first, without naming him – of using “religion as a crutch.”
“Never heard him use it before,” Trump said. “But today, you know, it’s one of those things. But it’s a failed presidential candidate, so things can happen when you fail so badly, running for president.”“Never heard him use it before,” Trump said. “But today, you know, it’s one of those things. But it’s a failed presidential candidate, so things can happen when you fail so badly, running for president.”
He then heaped praise on the other senator from Utah, Sen. Mike Lee (R), calling him “incredible.”He then heaped praise on the other senator from Utah, Sen. Mike Lee (R), calling him “incredible.”
“Say hello to the people of Utah, and tell them I’m sorry about Mitt Romney,” Trump said, claiming that Lee is “by far the most popular senator from the state.”“Say hello to the people of Utah, and tell them I’m sorry about Mitt Romney,” Trump said, claiming that Lee is “by far the most popular senator from the state.”
Trump boasted of his acquittal by the Senate as he opened his remarks Thursday afternoon, at one point holding up a copy of The Washington Post’s front page, just as he did during the National Prayer Breakfast a few hours earlier.Trump boasted of his acquittal by the Senate as he opened his remarks Thursday afternoon, at one point holding up a copy of The Washington Post’s front page, just as he did during the National Prayer Breakfast a few hours earlier.
“We went through hell unfairly — did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. I’ve done things wrong in my life, I will admit — not purposely, but I’ve done things wrong,” Trump said, prompting a few laughs from the audience.“We went through hell unfairly — did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. I’ve done things wrong in my life, I will admit — not purposely, but I’ve done things wrong,” Trump said, prompting a few laughs from the audience.
“But this is what the end result is,” he added, holding up the front page for the crowd.“But this is what the end result is,” he added, holding up the front page for the crowd.
The president went on to criticize the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election led by former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, describing it, as he frequently has, as a “witch hunt.”The president went on to criticize the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election led by former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, describing it, as he frequently has, as a “witch hunt.”
“It was all bullshit,” Trump said.“It was all bullshit,” Trump said.
The crowd in the East Room of the White House gave Trump a standing ovation as he entered the room.The crowd in the East Room of the White House gave Trump a standing ovation as he entered the room.
“We’ve all been through a lot together, and we probably deserve that hand for all of us, because it’s been a very unfair situation,” Trump said.“We’ve all been through a lot together, and we probably deserve that hand for all of us, because it’s been a very unfair situation,” Trump said.
The president’s legal team members, too, received a standing ovation as they entered shortly before Trump did.The president’s legal team members, too, received a standing ovation as they entered shortly before Trump did.
“This should never, ever happen to another president, ever,” Trump said of his impeachment by the House.“This should never, ever happen to another president, ever,” Trump said of his impeachment by the House.
Many Republican lawmakers were in the crowd, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), Reps. Devin Nunes (Calif.), Mark Meadows (N.C.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Jim Jordan (Ohio) and others.Many Republican lawmakers were in the crowd, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), Reps. Devin Nunes (Calif.), Mark Meadows (N.C.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Jim Jordan (Ohio) and others.
Trump’s Cabinet members were also present. There were lots of smiles and backslapping as guests milled around ahead of Trump’s remarks, with scores of journalists herded toward the sides and back of the room.Trump’s Cabinet members were also present. There were lots of smiles and backslapping as guests milled around ahead of Trump’s remarks, with scores of journalists herded toward the sides and back of the room.
At her weekly news conference, Pelosi defended her decision to rip up Trump’s State of the Union address and told reporters she feels “liberated” in the wake of the speech.At her weekly news conference, Pelosi defended her decision to rip up Trump’s State of the Union address and told reporters she feels “liberated” in the wake of the speech.
“I feel very liberated,” Pelosi said. “I feel that I have extended every possible courtesy. I’ve shown every level of respect. I say to my members all the time, there is no such thing as an eternal animosity.”“I feel very liberated,” Pelosi said. “I feel that I have extended every possible courtesy. I’ve shown every level of respect. I say to my members all the time, there is no such thing as an eternal animosity.”
She described her decision to tear up the speech as “a dignified act” and took aim at Trump on a personal level, noting that the president “looked to me like he was a little sedated” during the speech.She described her decision to tear up the speech as “a dignified act” and took aim at Trump on a personal level, noting that the president “looked to me like he was a little sedated” during the speech.
And she questioned Trump’s decision to grant the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, to conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh.And she questioned Trump’s decision to grant the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, to conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh.
“When he started talking about someone with cancer, we thought he was going to talk about John Lewis, a hero in our country,” Pelosi said, referring to the Georgia congressman and civil rights icon, who revealed in December that he has been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer.“When he started talking about someone with cancer, we thought he was going to talk about John Lewis, a hero in our country,” Pelosi said, referring to the Georgia congressman and civil rights icon, who revealed in December that he has been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer.
Pelosi also criticized Trump’s choice of venue for granting the medal to Limbaugh. “Do it in your own office! We don’t come in your office and do congressional business,” she said.Pelosi also criticized Trump’s choice of venue for granting the medal to Limbaugh. “Do it in your own office! We don’t come in your office and do congressional business,” she said.
Of Trump’s National Prayer Breakfast remarks, Pelosi added that the president is “talking about things that he knows little about — faith and prayer.”Of Trump’s National Prayer Breakfast remarks, Pelosi added that the president is “talking about things that he knows little about — faith and prayer.”
“I don’t know if the president understands about prayer or people who do pray. … I pray hard for him because he’s so off the track of our Constitution, our values, our country,” she said.“I don’t know if the president understands about prayer or people who do pray. … I pray hard for him because he’s so off the track of our Constitution, our values, our country,” she said.
Concluding her news conference, she added: “He has shredded the truth in his speech. He’s shredding the Constitution in his conduct. I shredded his ‘state of his mind’ address.”Concluding her news conference, she added: “He has shredded the truth in his speech. He’s shredding the Constitution in his conduct. I shredded his ‘state of his mind’ address.”
Pelosi devoted the first 10 minutes of her weekly news conference to rebutting many of the claims Trump made in his State of the Union address, which she described as “a manifesto of mistruths” that was “beneath the dignity of the White House.”Pelosi devoted the first 10 minutes of her weekly news conference to rebutting many of the claims Trump made in his State of the Union address, which she described as “a manifesto of mistruths” that was “beneath the dignity of the White House.”
She also chastised Republicans for their behavior during the president’s annual address Tuesday.She also chastised Republicans for their behavior during the president’s annual address Tuesday.
“It was a serious breach to start shouting ‘four more years’ on the floor of the House,” Pelosi said.“It was a serious breach to start shouting ‘four more years’ on the floor of the House,” Pelosi said.
She then turned to Trump’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, taking aim at the president for saying — in a veiled rebuke of Romney — that he doesn’t “like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.”She then turned to Trump’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, taking aim at the president for saying — in a veiled rebuke of Romney — that he doesn’t “like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.”
“It was just so completely inappropriate, especially at a prayer breakfast,” Pelosi said.“It was just so completely inappropriate, especially at a prayer breakfast,” Pelosi said.
The speaker praised Romney for joining Democrats in voting to convict Trump on one article of impeachment.The speaker praised Romney for joining Democrats in voting to convict Trump on one article of impeachment.
“God bless him for his courage,” she said of the Republican from Utah.“God bless him for his courage,” she said of the Republican from Utah.
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded in real time as Pelosi at the outset of a news conference derided Trump’s State of the Union speech as “a reality show” that amounted to a “manifesto of mistruths.”White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham responded in real time as Pelosi at the outset of a news conference derided Trump’s State of the Union speech as “a reality show” that amounted to a “manifesto of mistruths.”
“It’s bad enough that @SpeakerPelosi tore up a speech that honored American heroes & laid out a positive plan for the country...she’s now comparing remarks about our great nation & it’s many success stories to a reality TV show?” Grisham tweeted. “The dems really don’t know when to stop. It’s sad.”“It’s bad enough that @SpeakerPelosi tore up a speech that honored American heroes & laid out a positive plan for the country...she’s now comparing remarks about our great nation & it’s many success stories to a reality TV show?” Grisham tweeted. “The dems really don’t know when to stop. It’s sad.”
At the conclusion of Trump’s address on Tuesday, Pelosi shredded a copy of his prepared remarks before he left the House chamber.At the conclusion of Trump’s address on Tuesday, Pelosi shredded a copy of his prepared remarks before he left the House chamber.
Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Thursday proposed amending the Constitution to require a three-fifths vote of the House to impeach the president rather than a simple majority.Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Thursday proposed amending the Constitution to require a three-fifths vote of the House to impeach the president rather than a simple majority.
“The partisan charade Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats have made of this impeachment process over the last few months shows that the fears of our Founding Fathers were realized,” Scott said in a statement. “They warned that impeachment could be used as a partisan tool by partisan actors. … Our country should never again have to suffer from this partisan hackery.”“The partisan charade Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats have made of this impeachment process over the last few months shows that the fears of our Founding Fathers were realized,” Scott said in a statement. “They warned that impeachment could be used as a partisan tool by partisan actors. … Our country should never again have to suffer from this partisan hackery.”
Scott’s proposal faces long odds. A constitutional amendment that originates in Congress requires two-thirds votes of approval by both the House and Senate and ratification by three quarters of the 50 states.Scott’s proposal faces long odds. A constitutional amendment that originates in Congress requires two-thirds votes of approval by both the House and Senate and ratification by three quarters of the 50 states.
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham previewed Trump’s upcoming remarks, saying that there should be retribution for Democrats who pressed forward with Trump’s impeachment.White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham previewed Trump’s upcoming remarks, saying that there should be retribution for Democrats who pressed forward with Trump’s impeachment.
In an interview on Fox News, Grisham said Trump will speak about “how horribly he was treated, and maybe people should pay for that.”In an interview on Fox News, Grisham said Trump will speak about “how horribly he was treated, and maybe people should pay for that.”
“I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but they’re being sore losers,” she said of Democrats who have described Trump’s acquittal as having an “asterisk” next to it because no witnesses or documents were allowed during the Senate trial. “There’s no asterisk there.”“I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but they’re being sore losers,” she said of Democrats who have described Trump’s acquittal as having an “asterisk” next to it because no witnesses or documents were allowed during the Senate trial. “There’s no asterisk there.”
Grisham added that she was “disappointed but not surprised” that Romney voted to convict Trump.Grisham added that she was “disappointed but not surprised” that Romney voted to convict Trump.
“Was Mitt Romney even listening? Because if he was listening, he would not have voted that way,” she said, echoing other Republicans in accusing Romney of being “bitter that he’s not president.”“Was Mitt Romney even listening? Because if he was listening, he would not have voted that way,” she said, echoing other Republicans in accusing Romney of being “bitter that he’s not president.”
Trump used his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington to attack Democrats responsible for his impeachment and to praise Senate Republicans who voted to acquit him Wednesday.Trump used his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington to attack Democrats responsible for his impeachment and to praise Senate Republicans who voted to acquit him Wednesday.
Making his first public remarks since his acquittal, Trump praised Republicans for having “had the wisdom, fortitude and strength to do what everyone knows is right.”Making his first public remarks since his acquittal, Trump praised Republicans for having “had the wisdom, fortitude and strength to do what everyone knows is right.”
Trump seemed to target both Pelosi, who has said on several occasions that she prays for him, and Romney, who cited his faith as a factor in voting to remove Trump from office.Trump seemed to target both Pelosi, who has said on several occasions that she prays for him, and Romney, who cited his faith as a factor in voting to remove Trump from office.
“I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. Nor do I like people who say, ‘I pray for you,’ when they know that that’s not so,” Trump said. “So many people have been hurt, and we can’t let that go on, and I’ll be discussing that a little bit later at the White House.”“I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. Nor do I like people who say, ‘I pray for you,’ when they know that that’s not so,” Trump said. “So many people have been hurt, and we can’t let that go on, and I’ll be discussing that a little bit later at the White House.”
He later questioned a previous speaker at the bipartisan, multifaith event, who had advocated “loving your enemies.”He later questioned a previous speaker at the bipartisan, multifaith event, who had advocated “loving your enemies.”
“When they impeach you for nothing, then it’s not easy to like them,” Trump said of his adversaries. “It’s not easy, folks.”“When they impeach you for nothing, then it’s not easy to like them,” Trump said of his adversaries. “It’s not easy, folks.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) seemingly referred to the impeachment battle in brief remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) seemingly referred to the impeachment battle in brief remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.
“The Lord works in amazing ways. I do not believe he could’ve picked a better day to bring us all together,” McCarthy said, speaking at an event where others seated on the dais included Trump and Pelosi.“The Lord works in amazing ways. I do not believe he could’ve picked a better day to bring us all together,” McCarthy said, speaking at an event where others seated on the dais included Trump and Pelosi.
Trump held up copies of USA Today and The Washington Post, displaying banner headlines on his acquittal by the Senate, shortly after arriving on the dais at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton on Thursday morning.Trump held up copies of USA Today and The Washington Post, displaying banner headlines on his acquittal by the Senate, shortly after arriving on the dais at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton on Thursday morning.
Copies of the papers appeared to have been placed on the table in front of him.Copies of the papers appeared to have been placed on the table in front of him.
Others on the dais included Vice President Pence, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Pelosi. Trump shook hands with those on his side of the dais but did not interact with Pelosi and others sitting on the opposite side.Others on the dais included Vice President Pence, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Pelosi. Trump shook hands with those on his side of the dais but did not interact with Pelosi and others sitting on the opposite side.
Pelosi delivered a brief “prayer for the poor and persecuted” without referring to or acknowledging Trump.Pelosi delivered a brief “prayer for the poor and persecuted” without referring to or acknowledging Trump.
Hillary Clinton, the Democrat defeated by Trump in the 2016 presidential race, urged Americans to “follow Mitt Romney’s lead” and vote against Trump in November.Hillary Clinton, the Democrat defeated by Trump in the 2016 presidential race, urged Americans to “follow Mitt Romney’s lead” and vote against Trump in November.
Appearing on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in an interview scheduled to be broadcast Thursday, Clinton said she was not surprised by the Senate’s acquittal of Trump but was “still disappointed that not more of the Republicans were willing to take the stand that Mitt Romney took.”Appearing on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in an interview scheduled to be broadcast Thursday, Clinton said she was not surprised by the Senate’s acquittal of Trump but was “still disappointed that not more of the Republicans were willing to take the stand that Mitt Romney took.”
“We’re now moving on, but I hope that voters and Americans of all political stripes actually pay attention and say to themselves, ‘Hey, [Trump] has to be held accountable,’ and now the way to do that is in the election,” Clinton said. “Now it’s voters who are going to have to say, ‘Okay, I have to take responsibility for this and follow Mitt Romney’s lead.’ ”“We’re now moving on, but I hope that voters and Americans of all political stripes actually pay attention and say to themselves, ‘Hey, [Trump] has to be held accountable,’ and now the way to do that is in the election,” Clinton said. “Now it’s voters who are going to have to say, ‘Okay, I have to take responsibility for this and follow Mitt Romney’s lead.’ ”
Trump plans to speak to the nation Thursday about his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.Trump plans to speak to the nation Thursday about his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
The address is scheduled at noon from the East Room of the White House.The address is scheduled at noon from the East Room of the White House.
Trump advertised his appearance in a tweet on Wednesday, saying he would “discuss our Country’s VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!”Trump advertised his appearance in a tweet on Wednesday, saying he would “discuss our Country’s VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!”
Pelosi is also certain to face questions about the impeachment process when she holds a weekly news conference, scheduled to begin at 10:45 a.m.Pelosi is also certain to face questions about the impeachment process when she holds a weekly news conference, scheduled to begin at 10:45 a.m.
Hours after a deeply divided Senate voted to acquit Trump of two impeachment charges, he is scheduled to address a huge gathering Thursday morning of Christian lawmakers and others founded as an attempt to display reconciliation and bridge-building.Hours after a deeply divided Senate voted to acquit Trump of two impeachment charges, he is scheduled to address a huge gathering Thursday morning of Christian lawmakers and others founded as an attempt to display reconciliation and bridge-building.
Just before his address, Pelosi will deliver “a prayer for the poor and persecuted,” according to the program placed on attendees’ plates Thursday morning.Just before his address, Pelosi will deliver “a prayer for the poor and persecuted,” according to the program placed on attendees’ plates Thursday morning.
The annual National Prayer Breakfast brings more than 3,000 people to Washington for a couple days of networking, prayer and meetings — including the central event, the breakfast, at which the president always speaks.The annual National Prayer Breakfast brings more than 3,000 people to Washington for a couple days of networking, prayer and meetings — including the central event, the breakfast, at which the president always speaks.
Founded in 1953, the event is intended to “unite individuals of different nationalities, religions and political perspectives through the power of prayer,” said the formal invitation for the breakfast. It is hosted by U.S. lawmakers from both parties.Founded in 1953, the event is intended to “unite individuals of different nationalities, religions and political perspectives through the power of prayer,” said the formal invitation for the breakfast. It is hosted by U.S. lawmakers from both parties.
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Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine who was ousted by Trump, said in an op-ed published Thursday that she has no regrets about having testified during the House impeachment proceedings.Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine who was ousted by Trump, said in an op-ed published Thursday that she has no regrets about having testified during the House impeachment proceedings.
“It has been shocking to experience the storm of criticism, lies and malicious conspiracies that have preceded and followed my public testimony, but I have no regrets,” Yovanovitch said in the piece for The Washington Post. “I did — we did — what our conscience called us to do. We did what the gift of U.S. citizenship requires us to do.”“It has been shocking to experience the storm of criticism, lies and malicious conspiracies that have preceded and followed my public testimony, but I have no regrets,” Yovanovitch said in the piece for The Washington Post. “I did — we did — what our conscience called us to do. We did what the gift of U.S. citizenship requires us to do.”
Trump lashed out at Romney in an early morning tweet on Thursday in which he faulted the only Republican senator who voted to convict him on an article of impeachment for losing the 2012 presidential election.Trump lashed out at Romney in an early morning tweet on Thursday in which he faulted the only Republican senator who voted to convict him on an article of impeachment for losing the 2012 presidential election.
“Had failed presidential candidate @MittRomney devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election,” Trump tweeted.“Had failed presidential candidate @MittRomney devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election,” Trump tweeted.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said Wednesday night that House managers sought an affidavit from former national security adviser John Bolton during the impeachment trial and he refused.House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said Wednesday night that House managers sought an affidavit from former national security adviser John Bolton during the impeachment trial and he refused.
Bolton, who declined to participate in the House impeachment inquiry, issued a statement in early January saying he was prepared to testify in a Senate trial if he were subpoenaed.Bolton, who declined to participate in the House impeachment inquiry, issued a statement in early January saying he was prepared to testify in a Senate trial if he were subpoenaed.
Appearing on MSNBC on Wednesday night, Schiff said the request for an affidavit was made after the Senate voted largely along party lines not to hear from witnesses, including Bolton, during the trial.Appearing on MSNBC on Wednesday night, Schiff said the request for an affidavit was made after the Senate voted largely along party lines not to hear from witnesses, including Bolton, during the trial.
“I can tell you that after the Senate voted not to hear witnesses — after they voted to be the first impeachment trial in history without witnesses, we did approach John Bolton’s counsel and asked if Mr. Bolton would be willing to submit an affidavit under oath, describing what he observed in terms of the president’s Ukraine misconduct, and he refused,” Schiff said.“I can tell you that after the Senate voted not to hear witnesses — after they voted to be the first impeachment trial in history without witnesses, we did approach John Bolton’s counsel and asked if Mr. Bolton would be willing to submit an affidavit under oath, describing what he observed in terms of the president’s Ukraine misconduct, and he refused,” Schiff said.
He added that it appears Bolton is intent on holding onto his knowledge for publication of his forthcoming book.He added that it appears Bolton is intent on holding onto his knowledge for publication of his forthcoming book.
Schiff also said that “absolutely no decision” has been made about whether the House will subpoena Bolton for testimony about Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine. Earlier this week, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said such a subpoena is “likely.”Schiff also said that “absolutely no decision” has been made about whether the House will subpoena Bolton for testimony about Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine. Earlier this week, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said such a subpoena is “likely.”
The onslaught of abuse that Romney predicted would come after he broke ranks with Republicans by voting to convict Trump of abuse of power Wednesday continued materializing overnight as conservative media figures came out in full force to denounce him.The onslaught of abuse that Romney predicted would come after he broke ranks with Republicans by voting to convict Trump of abuse of power Wednesday continued materializing overnight as conservative media figures came out in full force to denounce him.
Romney was the only Republican to vote to remove Trump from office, explaining his decision in an emotional speech on the Senate floor where he cited his faith and a duty to uphold the Constitution. While Democrats praised Romney’s courage, the right — led by vocal pro-Trump commentators — immediately attacked after the president was acquitted of impeachment charges.Romney was the only Republican to vote to remove Trump from office, explaining his decision in an emotional speech on the Senate floor where he cited his faith and a duty to uphold the Constitution. While Democrats praised Romney’s courage, the right — led by vocal pro-Trump commentators — immediately attacked after the president was acquitted of impeachment charges.
“Utah’s junior senator reminded us of why he couldn’t connect with most regular, working-class people,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said Wednesday night. “They don’t like politicians who claim to be holier than thou when they’re really just sticking a shiv in your back.”“Utah’s junior senator reminded us of why he couldn’t connect with most regular, working-class people,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said Wednesday night. “They don’t like politicians who claim to be holier than thou when they’re really just sticking a shiv in your back.”
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